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LuaJIT Go Wrapper API Documentation

State Management

NewSafe() *State

Creates a new Lua state with stack safety enabled.

L := luajit.NewSafe()
defer L.Close()
defer L.Cleanup()

New() *State

Creates a new Lua state without stack safety checks.

L := luajit.New()
defer L.Close()
defer L.Cleanup()


Closes the Lua state and frees associated resources.



Cleans up the function registry and other internal resources.


Stack Operations

GetTop() int

Returns the index of the top element in the stack.

top := L.GetTop()  // 0 for empty stack

Pop(n int)

Removes n elements from the stack.

L.Pop(1)  // Remove top element
L.Pop(2)  // Remove top two elements

Remove(index int)

Removes the element at the given index.

L.Remove(-1)  // Remove top element
L.Remove(1)   // Remove first element

checkStack(n int) error

Internal function that ensures there's enough space for n new elements.

if err := L.checkStack(2); err != nil {
    return err

Type Checks

GetType(index int) LuaType

Returns the type of the value at the given index.

if L.GetType(-1) == TypeString {
    // Handle string

IsFunction(index int) bool

IsTable(index int) bool

IsUserData(index int) bool

Type checking functions for specific Lua types.

if L.IsTable(-1) {
    table, err := L.ToTable(-1)

Value Retrieval

ToString(index int) string

Converts the value at the given index to a string.

str := L.ToString(-1)

ToNumber(index int) float64

Converts the value to a number.

num := L.ToNumber(-1)

ToBoolean(index int) bool

Converts the value to a boolean.

bool := L.ToBoolean(-1)

ToValue(index int) (interface{}, error)

Converts any Lua value to its Go equivalent.

val, err := L.ToValue(-1)
if err != nil {
    return err

ToTable(index int) (map[string]interface{}, error)

Converts a Lua table to a Go map.

table, err := L.ToTable(-1)
if err != nil {
    return nil, err

Value Pushing


PushBoolean(b bool)

PushNumber(n float64)

PushString(str string)

Basic value pushing functions.


PushValue(v interface{}) error

Pushes any Go value onto the stack.

err := L.PushValue(myValue)

PushTable(table map[string]interface{}) error

Pushes a Go map as a Lua table.

data := map[string]interface{}{
    "key": "value",
    "numbers": []float64{1, 2, 3},
err := L.PushTable(data)

Function Registration

RegisterGoFunction(name string, fn GoFunction) error

Registers a Go function that can be called from Lua.

adder := func(s *State) int {
    sum := s.ToNumber(1) + s.ToNumber(2)
    return 1
err := L.RegisterGoFunction("add", adder)

UnregisterGoFunction(name string)

Removes a previously registered function.


Package Management

SetPackagePath(path string) error

Sets the Lua package.path variable.

err := L.SetPackagePath("./?.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/?.lua")

AddPackagePath(path string) error

Adds a path to the existing package.path.

err := L.AddPackagePath("./modules/?.lua")

Code Execution

DoString(str string) error

Executes a string of Lua code.

err := L.DoString(`
    local x = 40
    local y = 2
    result = x + y

DoFile(filename string) error

Executes a Lua file.

err := L.DoFile("script.lua")

Table Operations

GetField(index int, key string)

Gets a field from a table at the given index.

L.GetField(-1, "name")  // gets

SetField(index int, key string)

Sets a field in a table at the given index.

L.SetField(-2, "key")  // table.key = "value"

GetGlobal(name string)

Gets a global variable.


SetGlobal(name string)

Sets a global variable from the value at the top of the stack.

L.SetGlobal("answer")  // answer = 42

Error Handling


Error type containing both an error code and message.

type LuaError struct {
    Code    int
    Message string

getStackTrace() string

Gets the current Lua stack trace.

trace := L.getStackTrace()

Thread Safety Notes

  • The function registry is thread-safe
  • Individual Lua states are not thread-safe
  • Create separate states for concurrent operations
  • Use the function registry to share functions between states

Memory Management

Always pair state creation with cleanup:

L := luajit.NewSafe()
defer L.Close()
defer L.Cleanup()

Stack management in unsafe mode requires manual attention:

L := luajit.New()
// ... use the string
L.Pop(1)  // Clean up when done