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# Tooltip
The tooltip library is Isotip, taken and modified by Sharkk! Here is the breakdown of the API.
Configuring a specific tooltip is done via data attributes on an element.
### **`data-tooltip-classname`**
If you'd like to add a classname to the root tooltip element, set it here.
### **`data-tooltip-content`**
This sets the main body content of the tooltip into a `<p>` tag by default with a class of `tooltip-content`. Content is interpreted as plain text by default. To insert html, set the data-tooltip-html attribute to true.
### **`data-tooltip-title`**
This sets the title of the tooltip into a `<p>` tag by default with a class of `tooltip-title`.
### **`data-tooltip-html`**
Setting this to true will force Isotip to try and interpret the content as HTML. If it fails, it will interpret the content as plain text.
### **`data-tooltip-placement`**
This sets the position of the tooltip. Options are `top`, `right`, `bottom`, and `left`. By default, `top` is used for all tooltips.
### **`data-tooltip-container`**
This sets the element that the tooltip will be prepended to. By default, this is the `<body>` element.
Alternatively, programattic creation and destruction of tooltips is available.
### **`data-tooltip-scrollContainer`**
This sets the element that will have a scroll event bound to it. If your tooltip is inside a scrolling element (`overflow:scroll`), you need to add this!.
### **`data-tooltip-autoclose`**
If set to false, the tooltip will *not* close unless you do so programmatically with `isotip.close()`. Normal tooltips will not open until the open one has been closed!
### **`init( config )`**
The init method provides automatic event binding for tooltips. It sets up delegated event listeners for `.tooltip-click`, `.tooltip-hover`, and `.tooltip-focus` for click, mouseover, and focus events respectively. You can pass in an optional config object to overwrite any of the default options.
var options = {
html: false, // set to true to always interpret content as HTML
placement: 'top', // default placement of tooltips
container: 'body', // default containing element for the tooltip
scrollContainer: '.scroll-container', // default container for scroll watching
template: '<div class="tooltip" data-tooltip-target="tooltip"></div>', // default template for the tooltip shell
removalDelay: 200, // default number of ms before the tooltip is removed
tooltipOffset: 10, // default number of px the tooltip is offset from the trigger element
windowPadding: { // window bounds for tooltip repositioning
top: 10,
right: 10,
bottom: 10,
left: 10
Tooltip.init( config );
### **`open( trigger, config )`**
The open method will create the tooltip, insert it into the DOM, and position it in relation to it's trigger. The trigger can be an element or a CSS selector. The object to be passed in will serve as a replacement for the data attributes on the trigger.
var config = {
className: 'specific-class', // set to add a class to the tooltip
html: false, // set to true to interpret content as HTML
placement: 'top', // where to place the tooltip in relation to the trigger
content: 'Tooltip content', // the content to go into the tooltip,
title: 'Tooltip title', // the text to go in the title, if any
container: document.querySelector('.container'), // the container to append the tooltip to
scrollContainer: document.querySelector('.scroll-container'), // the container to bind the scroll event to
autoClose: false // set to false if you only want to close the tooltip programmatically. Normal tooltips won't open until the open one has been closed!
Tooltip.open( '.tooltip', config );
### **`close( tooltip )`**
The close method will remove a tooltip from the DOM. The tooltip to remove should be passed in and can be an element or a CSS selector.
Tooltip.close( '.tooltip' );
### **`positionTooltip( tooltip, trigger, placement )`**
The positionTooltip method will re-evaluate the position of a tooltip in relation to it's trigger element. Only the tooltip and trigger need to be passed in, and placement will default to what's been configured by `init()`. Tooltip and trigger can be either an element or a CSS selector.
Tooltip.positionTooltip( '.tooltip', '.tooltip-click', 'left' );