
269 lines
8.8 KiB
Executable File

--- The Display Module
--- This module is for the general listing and displaying of things.
--- This module was crafted by Skylear.
--- Copyright (c) Mad Splash, 2014, all rights reserved.
class DisplayModule {
private $BlogCovers = '/assets/images/Covers/BlogPosts/';
private $ProjectThumbnails = '/assets/images/Thumbs/';
private $ListedArticle;
private $Article4Reading;
private $FeaturedArticle;
private $ProjectThumbnail;
private $CommentBox;
private $CommentForm;
/* --- Constructor - creates the module's instance. --- */
public function __construct() {
$this->ListedArticle = GetTemplate('articles/listedarticle');
$this->Article4Reading = GetTemplate('articles/articlebody');
$this->FeaturedArticle = GetTemplate('articles/featured');
$this->ProjectThumbnail = GetTemplate('projects/thumbnail');
$this->CommentBox = GetTemplate('comments/commentbox');
$this->CommentForm = GetTemplate('comments/commentform');
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- Module Functions - the meat and purpose of the module. --- */
public function Articles($limit) {
$db = new DatabaseModule();
$articles = $db->getData('ms_articles', 'id', '', 'LIMIT ' . $limit, 'ORDER BY articleDate DESC');
if($db->countRows('ms_articles', '') > 0) {
foreach($articles as $articleID) {
$article = new Article($articleID['id']);
$author = new User($article->Author);
echo ParseTemplate($this->ListedArticle, array('t' => magicClean($article->Title), 'l' => "blog.php?do=read&article=" . $article->ID, 'd' => BBCode(magicClean($article->Description)), 'co' => $this->BlogCovers . $article->Cover, 'u' => $author->Username, 'pd' => $article->PostDate, 'c' => $article->Comments));
} else {
echo '<span style="font-size: 26px;">Hmm. Strangely enough, we don\'t have any articles!</span>';
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Display Articles - display a slider-like list of projects. */
public function Projects($type) {
$db = new DatabaseModule();
$projects = $db->getData('ms_projects', 'id', 'WHERE type="' . $type . '"', '', 'ORDER BY id DESC');
if(count($projects) > 0) {
foreach($projects as $aProject) {
$project = new Project($aProject['id']);
$nospace = str_replace(' ', '', $project->Title);
$img = $this->ProjectThumbnails . $type . '/' . $nospace . 'Thumb.png';
echo ParseTemplate($this->ProjectThumbnail, array('t' => $project->Title, 'ns' => $nospace, 'img' => $img));
} else {
echo "<h3>It seems we have no " . strtolower($type) . "s.</h3>";
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Display Featured - display an assorted set of featured content in the sidebar. */
public function sideFeatured($what) {
$db = new DatabaseModule;
// prepare SQL statements
$getArticle = $db->Handle->prepare('SELECT id FROM ms_articles WHERE featured = "true" ORDER BY articleDate DESC LIMIT 1');
switch($what) {
case "Article":
// get the article
$article = $getArticle->fetch();
// create new article object
$featured = new Article($article['id']);
// display the article
echo ParseTemplate($this->FeaturedArticle, array('id' => $featured->ID, 'c' => $this->BlogCovers . $featured->Cover, 't' => $featured->Title));
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Display Front Page Articles - specially formatted for the front page */
public function frontPageArticles() {
$db = new DatabaseModule();
$getArticles = $db->Handle->prepare('SELECT id FROM ms_articles ORDER BY articleDate DESC LIMIT 5');
$articles = $getArticles->fetchAll();
$first = true;
foreach($articles as $articleID) {
$article = new Article($articleID['id']);
$Link = "blog/blog.php?do=read&article=" . $article->ID;
if($article->Comments < 10) {
$cBox = "<div class=\"cBox\"> <span style=\"position: relative; left: 3px;\">". $article->Comments . "</span> </div>";
} else {
$cBox = "<div class=\"cBox\"> <span>". $article->Comments . "</span> </div>";
if($first) {
echo <<<FIRST
<a class="latestArticle" href="{$Link}">
<img src="/assets/images/Covers/BlogPosts/{$article->Cover}.png" alt="{$article->Title}" title="{$article->Title}" />
<div class="headline">
$first = false;
} else {
echo <<<ARTICLE
<a class="article" href="{$Link}">
<img src="/assets/images/Covers/BlogPosts/{$article->Cover}.png" />
<div class="headline">{$article->Title}</div>
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Display an article for reading - when a user wants to read an article, we give it to them in this format. */
public function articleForReading($id) {
$article = new Article($id);
$author = new User($article->Author);
echo ParseTemplate($this->Article4Reading, array('title' => $article->Title, 'date' => $article->PostDate, 'author' => $author->Username, 'cover' => $this->BlogCovers . $article->Cover, 'content' => BBCode(magicClean($article->Content))));
/* ----------------------------------- */
/* -------- Article Comments --------- */
echo "<a id=\"comments\">&nbsp;</a>";
if($article->Comments == 1) { $oneOrMore = $article->Comments . " Comment"; } else { $oneOrMore = $article->Comments . " Comments"; }
echo '<section id="articleComments" style="margin-bottom: 24px;"> <h2>' . $oneOrMore . '</h2>';
if($article->Comments == 0) {
echo '<p style="padding: 4px 8px;">There aren\'t any comments to read.</p>';
} else {
$db = new DatabaseModule();
$aCommentsList = $db->Handle->prepare('SELECT * FROM ms_articlecomments WHERE articleID = :id');
$aCommentsList->bindValue(':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$inList = $aCommentsList->fetchAll();
foreach($inList as $ID) {
$comment = new ArticleComment($ID['id']);
$poster = new User($comment->Author);
echo ParseTemplate($this->CommentBox, array('a' => $poster->Avatar, 'u' => $poster->Username, 'c' => BBCode(magicClean($comment->Content)), 'd' => $comment->PostDate));
if(!empty($_COOKIE['UserCookie'])) { echo ParseTemplate($this->CommentForm, array('aid' => $_GET['article'])); }
echo '</section>';
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Display the special Projects category nav - with a list of all current types of projects. */
public function categoryNav() {
$types = array('Game', 'Book', 'Show');
if(!empty($_GET['type'])) {
$active = $_GET['type'];
} else {
$active = '';
echo '<div id="categoryNav"> <p>Choose a category</p>';
foreach($types as $type) {
if(strtolower($type) == $active) {
$class = 'class="active"';
} else {
$class = '';
echo '<a href="projects.php?a=main&type=' . strtolower($type) . '" ' . $class . '>' . $type . 's</a>';
echo '</div>';
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
public function daPromos() {
if(!empty($_COOKIE['UserCookie'])) {
echo '<p style="padding: 4px 8px;">Aww... we don\'t have any promos right now...</p>';
} else {
echo '<div class="registerButtonBIG">
<div style="position: relative; top: 20px; padding-left: 6px;">
<h2>Register Here</h2>
<p style="padding-left: 8px; padding-right: 4px;">and get perks like a weekly newsletter, access to the forums, and free monies!</p>