2025-02-26 07:00:01 -06:00

178 lines
4.5 KiB

package luajit
#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct {
const unsigned char *buf;
size_t size;
const char *name;
} BytecodeReader;
static const char *bytecode_reader(lua_State *L, void *ud, size_t *size) {
BytecodeReader *r = (BytecodeReader *)ud;
(void)L; // unused
if (r->size == 0) return NULL;
*size = r->size;
r->size = 0; // Only read once
return (const char *)r->buf;
static int load_bytecode(lua_State *L, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, const char *name) {
BytecodeReader reader = {buf, len, name};
return lua_load(L, bytecode_reader, &reader, name);
typedef struct {
unsigned char *buf;
size_t len;
size_t capacity;
} BytecodeWriter;
static int bytecode_writer(lua_State *L, const void *p, size_t sz, void *ud) {
BytecodeWriter *w = (BytecodeWriter *)ud;
unsigned char *newbuf;
(void)L; // unused
// Check if we need to reallocate
if (w->len + sz > w->capacity) {
size_t new_capacity = w->capacity * 2;
if (new_capacity < w->len + sz) {
new_capacity = w->len + sz;
newbuf = (unsigned char *)realloc(w->buf, new_capacity);
if (newbuf == NULL) return 1;
w->buf = newbuf;
w->capacity = new_capacity;
memcpy(w->buf + w->len, p, sz);
w->len += sz;
return 0;
// Wrapper function that calls lua_dump with bytecode_writer
static int dump_lua_function(lua_State *L, BytecodeWriter *w) {
return lua_dump(L, bytecode_writer, w);
import "C"
import (
// CompileBytecode compiles a Lua chunk to bytecode without executing it
func (s *State) CompileBytecode(code string, name string) ([]byte, error) {
if err := s.LoadString(code); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to load string: %w", err)
// Set up writer with initial capacity
var writer C.BytecodeWriter
writer.buf = nil
writer.len = 0
writer.capacity = 0
// Initial allocation with a reasonable size
const initialSize = 4096
writer.buf = (*C.uchar)(C.malloc(initialSize))
if writer.buf == nil {
s.Pop(1) // Remove the loaded function
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to allocate memory for bytecode")
writer.capacity = initialSize
// Dump the function to bytecode
err := s.safeCall(func() {
return C.dump_lua_function(s.L, (*C.BytecodeWriter)(unsafe.Pointer(&writer)))
// Copy bytecode to Go slice regardless of the result
bytecode := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(writer.buf),
// Clean up
s.Pop(1) // Remove the function from stack
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to dump bytecode: %w", err)
return bytecode, nil
// LoadBytecode loads precompiled bytecode without executing it
func (s *State) LoadBytecode(bytecode []byte, name string) error {
if len(bytecode) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("empty bytecode")
cname := C.CString(name)
// Load the bytecode
err := s.safeCall(func() {
return C.load_bytecode(
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to load bytecode: %w", err)
return nil
// RunBytecode executes previously loaded bytecode with 0 results
func (s *State) RunBytecode() error {
return s.RunBytecodeWithResults(0)
// RunBytecodeWithResults executes bytecode and keeps nresults on the stack
// Use LUA_MULTRET (-1) to keep all results
func (s *State) RunBytecodeWithResults(nresults int) error {
return s.safeCall(func() {
return C.lua_pcall(s.L, 0,, 0)
// LoadAndRunBytecode loads and executes bytecode
func (s *State) LoadAndRunBytecode(bytecode []byte, name string) error {
if err := s.LoadBytecode(bytecode, name); err != nil {
return err
return s.RunBytecode()
// LoadAndRunBytecodeWithResults loads and executes bytecode, preserving results
func (s *State) LoadAndRunBytecodeWithResults(bytecode []byte, name string, nresults int) error {
if err := s.LoadBytecode(bytecode, name); err != nil {
return err
return s.RunBytecodeWithResults(nresults)
// CompileAndRun compiles and immediately executes Lua code
func (s *State) CompileAndRun(code string, name string) error {
bytecode, err := s.CompileBytecode(code, name)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("compile error: %w", err)
if err := s.LoadAndRunBytecode(bytecode, name); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("execution error: %w", err)
return nil