Jamin Blount e1b9948505 Beta 2 Build 12
12.10.2005 - Build 12 (Eggs):
- Members can now leave the Guild without requiring an officer to demote
them to zero.
- Rank 5 members can now edit/update Guild settings.
- # of Members is now set to 1 when a Guild is created, and updated
correctly when an application is approved.
- The Guild founder is now notified via the Post Office when someone
applies to join.
- Members can now arbitrarily deposit money to the Guild bank.
- You can no longer send guild money to yourself. Checks and balances,
- Fixed image format selection so that it actually works.
- Removed Language selection from account registration/settings.
2017-02-05 11:51:02 -06:00

11 lines
515 B

<?php // config.php :: Low-level app/database variables.
$dbsettings = Array(
"server" => "localhost", // MySQL server name. (Usually localhost.)
"user" => "", // MySQL username.
"pass" => "", // MySQL password.
"name" => "", // MySQL database name.
"prefix" => "", // Prefix for table names.
"secretword" => ""); // Secret word used when hashing information for cookies.