9.2.2007 - Build 20 (Consolation Prize Part Deux): - Fixed incorrect story values in install.sql. - Some changes to the version/copyright/moddedby display.
514 lines
26 KiB
514 lines
26 KiB
<?php // town.php :: All town functions.
// Dragon Scourge
// Program authors: Jamin Blount
// Copyright (C) 2007 by renderse7en
// Script Version 1.0 Beta 5 Build 20
// You may not distribute this program in any manner, modified or
// otherwise, without the express, written consent from
// renderse7en.
// You may make modifications, but only for your own use and
// within the confines of the Dragon Scourge License Agreement
// (see our website for that).
// Before allowing anything else, we make sure the person is actually in town.
global $townrow;
if ($townrow == false) { die(header("Location: index.php")); }
function dotown() { // Default town screen.
global $userrow;
$newpm = doquery("SELECT * FROM <<messages>> WHERE recipientid='".$userrow["id"]."' AND status='0'");
if (mysql_num_rows($newpm) > 0) {
$row["unread"] = "<b>(".mysql_num_rows($newpm)." new)</b>";
} else {
$row["unread"] = "";
display("In Town", parsetemplate(gettemplate("town"), $row));
function inn() { // Resting at the inn restores hp/mp/tp.
global $userrow, $townrow;
// Errors.
if ($userrow["gold"] < $townrow["innprice"]) { err("You do not have enough gold to stay at the inn. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($userrow["currenthp"] == $userrow["maxhp"] && $userrow["currentmp"] == $userrow["maxmp"] && $userrow["currenttp"] == $userrow["maxtp"]) { err("Your HP, MP and TP are already at their maximum levels. You do not need to stay at the Inn tonight.<br /><br /><a href=\"index.php\">Click here</a> to return to the main town screen."); }
if (isset($_POST["submit"])) {
// Fill 'er up, my man!
$userrow["currenthp"] = $userrow["maxhp"];
$userrow["currentmp"] = $userrow["maxmp"];
$userrow["currenttp"] = $userrow["maxtp"];
$userrow["gold"] -= $townrow["innprice"];
$query = doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET currenthp='".$userrow["maxhp"]."', currentmp='".$userrow["maxmp"]."', currenttp='".$userrow["maxtp"]."', gold='".$userrow["gold"]."' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1");
display("Rest at the Inn", gettemplate("town_inn2"));
} elseif (isset($_POST["abortmission"])) { die(header("Location: index.php")); }
display("Rest at the Inn", parsetemplate(gettemplate("town_inn1"), $townrow));
function map() { // Buy maps to towns for the Travel To menu.
global $userrow;
if (isset($_POST["three"])) {
$townquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM <<towns>> WHERE id='".$_POST["id"]."' LIMIT 1");
$townrow = dorow($townquery);
if ($userrow["gold"] < $townrow["mapprice"]) { err("You do not have enough gold to buy this map. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($townrow != false) {
$userrow["townslist"] .= "," . $townrow["id"];
$userrow["gold"] -= $townrow["mapprice"];
$query = doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET townslist='".$userrow["townslist"]."', gold='".$userrow["gold"]."' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1");
display("Buy Maps", gettemplate("town_map3"));
} else {
err("Invalid action. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again.");
} elseif (isset($_POST["two"])) {
$townquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM <<towns>> WHERE name='".$_POST["two"]."' LIMIT 1");
$townrow = dorow($townquery);
if ($userrow["gold"] < $townrow["mapprice"]) { err("You do not have enough gold to buy this map. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($townrow != false) {
display("Buy Maps", parsetemplate(gettemplate("town_map2"), $townrow));
} else {
err("Invalid action. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again.");
} else {
$townquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM <<towns>> WHERE world='".$userrow["world"]."' ORDER BY id");
$townrow = dorow($townquery);
$townslist = explode(",",$userrow["townslist"]);
$row["maptable"] = "<form action=\"index.php?do=maps\" method=\"post\"><table width=\95%\">\n";
foreach($townrow as $a=>$b) {
if (in_array($b["id"], $townslist)) {
if ($b["latitude"] < 0) { $latitude = ($b["latitude"] * -1) . "S"; } else { $latitude = $b["latitude"] . "N"; }
if ($b["longitude"] < 0) { $longitude = ($b["longitude"] * -1) . "W"; } else { $longitude = $b["longitude"] . "E"; }
$row["maptable"] .= "<tr><td width=\"20%\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"two\" value=\"".$b["name"]."\" style=\"width: 100px;\" disabled=\"disabled\" /></td><td width=\"30%\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\"><span class=\"grey\">Already Purchased</span></td><td width=\"30%\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\"><span class=\"grey\">Location: <b>$latitude, $longitude</b></span></td><td width=\"20%\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\"><span class=\"grey\">TP: <b>".$b["travelpoints"]."</b></span></td></tr>\n";
} else {
$row["maptable"] .= "<tr><td width=\"20%\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"two\" value=\"".$b["name"]."\" style=\"width: 100px;\" /></td><td width=\"30%\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\">Price: <b>".$b["mapprice"]." Gold</b></td><td colspan=\"2\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\">Buy map to reveal details.</td></tr>\n";
$row["maptable"] .= "</table></form>\n";
display("Buy Maps", parsetemplate(gettemplate("town_map1"), $row));
function buy() { // Buy items from merchants.
1: Weapon
2: Armor
3: Shield
4: Helmet
5: Jewel
6: Stone
global $userrow, $townrow;
if (isset($_POST["three"])) {
$idstring = explode(",",$_POST["idstring"]);
foreach($idstring as $a=>$b) { if(!is_numeric($b)) { err("Invalid action. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); } }
// Get database info on new item.
$newbaseitem = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<itembase>> WHERE id='$idstring[1]' LIMIT 1"));
$newprefix = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<itemprefixes>> WHERE id='$idstring[0]' LIMIT 1"));
$newsuffix = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<itemsuffixes>> WHERE id='$idstring[2]' LIMIT 1"));
$modrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<itemmodnames>> ORDER BY id"), "fieldname");
$newfullitem = builditem($newprefix, $newbaseitem, $newsuffix, $modrow);
// Get database info on old item, if applicable.
if ($userrow["item" . $newbaseitem["slotnumber"] . "idstring"] != "0") {
$oldidstring = explode(",",$userrow["item" . $newbaseitem["slotnumber"] . "idstring"]);
$oldbaseitem = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<itembase>> WHERE id='$oldidstring[1]' LIMIT 1"));
$oldprefix = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<itemprefixes>> WHERE id='$oldidstring[0]' LIMIT 1"));
$oldsuffix = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<itemsuffixes>> WHERE id='$oldidstring[2]' LIMIT 1"));
$oldfullitem = builditem($oldprefix, $oldbaseitem, $oldsuffix, $modrow);
} else { $oldfullitem = false; $oldprefix = false; $oldsuffix = false; }
// Requirements check.
if ($newfullitem["requirements"] == false) { err("You do not meet one or more of the requirements for this item. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($userrow["gold"] < $newfullitem["buycost"]) { err("You do not have enough gold in your pocket to buy this item."); }
// Now do stuff to userrow (new item only).
$userrow["item" . $newfullitem["slotnumber"] . "idstring"] = $newfullitem["fullid"];
$userrow["item" . $newfullitem["slotnumber"] . "name"] = $newfullitem["name"];
$userrow["gold"] -= $newfullitem["buycost"];
$userrow[$newfullitem["basename"]] += $newfullitem["baseattr"];
for($j=1; $j<7; $j++) {
if ($newfullitem["mod".$j."name"] != "") {
$userrow[$newfullitem["mod".$j."name"]] += $newfullitem["mod".$j."attr"];
if ($newprefix != false) {
$userrow[$newprefix["basename"]] += $newprefix["baseattr"];
if ($newsuffix != false) {
$userrow[$newsuffix["basename"]] += $newsuffix["baseattr"];
// Do more stuff to userrow (old item only).
if ($oldfullitem != false) {
$userrow["gold"] += $oldfullitem["sellcost"];
$userrow[$oldfullitem["basename"]] -= $oldfullitem["baseattr"];
for($j=1; $j<7; $j++) {
if ($oldfullitem["mod".$j."name"] != "") {
$userrow[$oldfullitem["mod".$j."name"]] -= $oldfullitem["mod".$j."attr"];
if ($oldprefix != false) {
$userrow[$oldprefix["basename"]] -= $oldprefix["baseattr"];
if ($oldsuffix != false) {
$userrow[$oldsuffix["basename"]] -= $oldsuffix["baseattr"];
// And we're done.
display("Buy Weapons & Armor", gettemplate("town_buy3"));
} elseif (isset($_POST["two"])) {
$idstring = explode(",",$_POST["idstring"]);
foreach($idstring as $a=>$b) { if(!is_numeric($b)) { err("Invalid action. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); } }
// Get database info on new item.
$newbaseitem = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<itembase>> WHERE id='$idstring[1]' LIMIT 1"));
$newprefix = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<itemprefixes>> WHERE id='$idstring[0]' LIMIT 1"));
$newsuffix = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<itemsuffixes>> WHERE id='$idstring[2]' LIMIT 1"));
$premodrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<itemmodnames>> ORDER BY id"));
// Format the mod name row.
foreach($premodrow as $a=>$b) {
$modrow[$b["fieldname"]] = $b;
$newfullitem = builditem($newprefix, $newbaseitem, $newsuffix, $modrow);
// Get database info on old item, if applicable.
if ($userrow["item" . $newbaseitem["slotnumber"] . "idstring"] != "0") {
$oldidstring = explode(",",$userrow["item" . $newbaseitem["slotnumber"] . "idstring"]);
$oldbaseitem = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<itembase>> WHERE id='$oldidstring[1]' LIMIT 1"));
$oldprefix = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<itemprefixes>> WHERE id='$oldidstring[0]' LIMIT 1"));
$oldsuffix = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<itemsuffixes>> WHERE id='$oldidstring[2]' LIMIT 1"));
$oldfullitem = builditem($oldprefix, $oldbaseitem, $oldsuffix, $modrow);
} else { $oldfullitem = false; }
// Requirements check.
if ($newfullitem["requirements"] == false) { err("You do not meet one or more of the requirements for this item. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($userrow["gold"] < $newfullitem["buycost"]) { err("You do not have enough gold in your pocket to buy this item."); }
// Now make a new array to send to the template.
$full = "_empty";
$row["newname"] = $newfullitem["name"];
if ($oldfullitem != false) {
$row["oldname"] = $oldfullitem["name"];
$row["oldsell"] = $oldfullitem["sellcost"];
$full = "_full";
$row["newidstring"] = $newfullitem["fullid"];
// And we're done.
display("Buy Weapons & Armor", parsetemplate(gettemplate("town_buy2" . $full),$row));
} else {
// Grab lots of stuff from the DB.
$preitemsrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<itembase>> WHERE reqlevel>='".$townrow["itemminlvl"]."' AND reqlevel<='".$townrow["itemmaxlvl"]."' AND isunique='0' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10"));
$preprefixrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<itemprefixes>> WHERE reqlevel<='".$userrow["level"]."'"));
$presuffixrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<itemsuffixes>> WHERE reqlevel<='".$userrow["level"]."'"));
$allitemsrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<itembase>>"));
$allprefixrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<itemprefixes>>"));
$allsuffixrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<itemsuffixes>>"));
$premodrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<itemmodnames>> ORDER BY id"));
// Format the rows.
foreach($allitemsrow as $a=>$b) {
$itemsrow[$b["id"]] = $b;
foreach($allprefixrow as $a=>$b) {
$prefixrow[$b["id"]] = $b;
foreach($allsuffixrow as $a=>$b) {
$suffixrow[$b["id"]] = $b;
foreach($premodrow as $a=>$b) {
$modrow[$b["fieldname"]] = $b;
// Build old item table.
$row["olditems"] = "";
for($i=1; $i<7; $i++) {
if ($userrow["item".$i."idstring"] != "0") {
$ids = explode(",",$userrow["item".$i."idstring"]);
$baseitem = $itemsrow[$ids[1]];
if ($ids[0] != 0) { $prefix = $prefixrow[$ids[0]]; } else { $prefix = false; }
if ($ids[2] != 0) { $suffix = $suffixrow[$ids[2]]; } else { $suffix = false; }
$fullitem = builditem($prefix, $baseitem, $suffix, $modrow);
$row["olditems"] .= parsetemplate(gettemplate("town_buy_olditemrow"), $fullitem);
// Now build the new item table.
$row["itemtable"] = "";
for($i=0; $i<10; $i++) {
$baseitem = $preitemsrow[rand(0,(sizeof($preitemsrow)-1))];
if (rand(0,4)==1) { $prefix = $preprefixrow[rand(0,(sizeof($preprefixrow)-1))]; } else { $prefix = false; }
if (rand(0,4)==1) { $suffix = $presuffixrow[rand(0,(sizeof($presuffixrow)-1))]; } else { $suffix = false; }
$fullitem = builditem($prefix, $baseitem, $suffix, $modrow);
$row["itemtable"] .= parsetemplate(gettemplate("town_buy_itemrow"), $fullitem);
// And we're done.
display("Buy Weapons & Armor", parsetemplate(gettemplate("town_buy1"),$row));
function gamble() {
global $userrow;
$mode = "easy";
if (isset($_GET["mode"])) { $mode = $_GET["mode"]; }
if (isset($_POST["submit"])) {
$amount = $_POST["amount"];
// Cup errors.
if (!isset($_POST["cup"])) { err("You didn't pick any cup to bet on. Please <a href=\"index.php?do=gamble\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if (!is_numeric($_POST["cup"])) { err("You didn't pick any cup to bet on. Please <a href=\"index.php?do=gamble\">go back</a> and try again."); }
// Bet amount errors.
if (trim($amount) == "") { err("Invalid bet amount. Please <a href=\"index.php?do=gamble\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if (!is_numeric($amount)) { err("Invalid bet amount. Please <a href=\"index.php?do=gamble\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($amount <= 0) { err("Invalid bet amount. Please <a href=\"index.php?do=gamble\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($userrow["gold"] < $amount) { err("Invalid bet amount. Please <a href=\"index.php?do=gamble\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($mode == "hard") {
$thecup = $_POST["cup"];
$thewin = rand(1,9);
if ($thecup == $thewin) {
$userrow["gold"] += ($amount * 10);
doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET gold=gold+($amount * 10) WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1");
display("Gamble", "You won!<br /><br />You just picked up <b>".($amount * 10)." Gold</b>.<br /><br />Care to <a href=\"index.php?do=gamble&mode=hard\">try again</a> or would you rather go back to <a href=\"index.php\">town</a>?");
} else {
$userrow["gold"] -= $amount;
doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET gold=gold-$amount WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1");
display("Gamble", "You lost!<br /><br />Sorry buddy, but we're gonna have to take your <b>".$amount." Gold</b>.<br /><br />Care to <a href=\"index.php?do=gamble&mode=hard\">try again</a> or would you rather go back to <a href=\"index.php\">town</a>?");
if ($mode == "easy") {
$thecup = $_POST["cup"];
$thewin = rand(1,3);
if ($thecup == $thewin) {
$userrow["gold"] += ($amount * 2);
doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET gold=gold+($amount * 2) WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1");
display("Gamble", "You won!<br /><br />You just picked up <b>".($amount * 2)." Gold</b>.<br /><br />Care to <a href=\"index.php?do=gamble\">try again</a> or would you rather go back to <a href=\"index.php\">town</a>?");
} else {
$userrow["gold"] -= $amount;
doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET gold=gold-$amount WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1");
display("Gamble", "You lost!<br /><br />Sorry buddy, but we're gonna have to take your <b>".$amount." Gold</b>.<br /><br />Care to <a href=\"index.php?do=gamble\">try again</a> or would you rather go back to <a href=\"index.php\">town</a>?");
} else {
if ($mode == "hard") {
$row["mode"] = "hard";
$row["form"] = "<table width=\"200\"><tr>";
$row["form"] .= "<td width=\"33%\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><label for=\"1\"><img src=\"images/cup.gif\" alt=\"cup\" /><br /><input type=\"radio\" name=\"cup\" value=\"1\" id=\"1\" /></label></td>";
$row["form"] .= "<td width=\"34%\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><label for=\"2\"><img src=\"images/cup.gif\" alt=\"cup\" /><br /><input type=\"radio\" name=\"cup\" value=\"2\" id=\"2\" /></label></td>";
$row["form"] .= "<td width=\"33%\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><label for=\"3\"><img src=\"images/cup.gif\" alt=\"cup\" /><br /><input type=\"radio\" name=\"cup\" value=\"3\" id=\"3\" /></label></td>";
$row["form"] .= "</tr><tr>";
$row["form"] .= "<td width=\"33%\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><label for=\"4\"><img src=\"images/cup.gif\" alt=\"cup\" /><br /><input type=\"radio\" name=\"cup\" value=\"4\" id=\"4\" /></label></td>";
$row["form"] .= "<td width=\"34%\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><label for=\"5\"><img src=\"images/cup.gif\" alt=\"cup\" /><br /><input type=\"radio\" name=\"cup\" value=\"5\" id=\"5\" /></label></td>";
$row["form"] .= "<td width=\"33%\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><label for=\"6\"><img src=\"images/cup.gif\" alt=\"cup\" /><br /><input type=\"radio\" name=\"cup\" value=\"6\" id=\"6\" /></label></td>";
$row["form"] .= "</tr><tr>";
$row["form"] .= "<td width=\"33%\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><label for=\"7\"><img src=\"images/cup.gif\" alt=\"cup\" /><br /><input type=\"radio\" name=\"cup\" value=\"7\" id=\"7\" /></label></td>";
$row["form"] .= "<td width=\"34%\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><label for=\"8\"><img src=\"images/cup.gif\" alt=\"cup\" /><br /><input type=\"radio\" name=\"cup\" value=\"8\" id=\"8\" /></label></td>";
$row["form"] .= "<td width=\"33%\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><label for=\"9\"><img src=\"images/cup.gif\" alt=\"cup\" /><br /><input type=\"radio\" name=\"cup\" value=\"9\" id=\"9\" /></label></td>";
$row["form"] .= "</tr></table>";
if ($mode == "easy") {
$row["mode"] = "easy";
$row["form"] = "<table width=\"200\"><tr>";
$row["form"] .= "<td width=\"33%\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><label for=\"1\"><img src=\"images/cup.gif\" alt=\"cup\" /><br /><input type=\"radio\" name=\"cup\" value=\"1\" id=\"1\" /></label></td>";
$row["form"] .= "<td width=\"34%\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><label for=\"2\"><img src=\"images/cup.gif\" alt=\"cup\" /><br /><input type=\"radio\" name=\"cup\" value=\"2\" id=\"2\" /></label></td>";
$row["form"] .= "<td width=\"33%\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><label for=\"3\"><img src=\"images/cup.gif\" alt=\"cup\" /><br /><input type=\"radio\" name=\"cup\" value=\"3\" id=\"3\" /></label></td>";
$row["form"] .= "</tr></table>";
display("Gamble", parsetemplate(gettemplate("town_gamble1"), $row));
function bank() {
global $userrow;
if (isset($_POST["withdraw"])) {
if (!is_numeric($_POST["amount"])) { err("Invalid action. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($_POST["amount"] < 1) { err("Withdrawal amount must be greater than 0."); }
if ($_POST["amount"] > $userrow["bank"]) { err("You do not have that much money in the bank."); }
$userrow["gold"] += $_POST["amount"];
$userrow["bank"] -= $_POST["amount"];
$row["formatbank"] = number_format($userrow["bank"]);
$row["formatgold"] = number_format($userrow["gold"]);
display("Deposit/Withdraw Gold at the Bank", parsetemplate(gettemplate("town_bank2"),$row));
} elseif (isset($_POST["deposit"])) {
if (!is_numeric($_POST["amount"])) { err("Invalid action. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($_POST["amount"] < 1) { err("Deposit amount must be greater than 0."); }
if ($_POST["amount"] > $userrow["gold"]) { err("You do not have that much money in your pocket."); }
$userrow["gold"] -= $_POST["amount"];
$userrow["bank"] += $_POST["amount"];
$row["formatbank"] = number_format($userrow["bank"]);
$row["formatgold"] = number_format($userrow["gold"]);
display("Deposit/Withdraw Gold at the Bank", parsetemplate(gettemplate("town_bank2"),$row));
} else {
$row["formatbank"] = number_format($userrow["bank"]);
$row["formatgold"] = number_format($userrow["gold"]);
$row["maxpocket"] = $userrow["gold"];
$row["maxbank"] = $userrow["bank"];
display("Deposit/Withdraw Gold at the Bank", parsetemplate(gettemplate("town_bank1"),$row));
function halloffame() {
$top = dorow(doquery("SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(birthdate, '%m.%d.%Y') AS fregdate FROM <<users>> ORDER BY experience DESC LIMIT 25"), "id");
$row["halltable"] = "";
$i = 1;
foreach ($top as $a => $b) {
if ($b["charpicture"] != "") {
$b["avatar"] = "<img src=\"".$b["charpicture"]."\" alt=\"".$b["charname"]."\" />";
} else {
$b["avatar"] = "<img src=\"images/users/nopicture.gif\" alt=\"".$b["charname"]."\" />";
$b["experience"] = number_format($b["experience"]);
$b["number"] = $i;
if ($b["guild"] != 0) {
$charname = "[<span style=\"color: ".$b["tagcolor"].";\">".$b["guildtag"]."</span>]<span style=\"color: ".$b["namecolor"].";\">".$b["charname"]."</span>";
} else {
$charname = $b["charname"];
$b["newcharname"] = $charname;
$row["halltable"] .= parsetemplate(gettemplate("town_halloffamerow"), $b);
$row["halltable"] .= "<br />\n";
display("Hall of Fame", parsetemplate(gettemplate("town_halloffame"), $row));
function duel() {
global $userrow;
$row = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<users>> WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(onlinetime) >= '".(time()-600)."' AND world='".$userrow["world"]."' AND latitude='".$userrow["latitude"]."' AND longitude='".$userrow["longitude"]."' AND id !='".$userrow["id"]."' ORDER BY id"), "id");
$list = "";
if ($row == false) {
$list .= "There is nobody available to challenge at this time.<br />";
} else {
foreach($row as $a=>$b) {
if ($b["guild"] != 0) {
$charname = "[<span style=\"color: ".$b["tagcolor"].";\">".$b["guildtag"]."</span>]<span style=\"color: ".$b["namecolor"].";\">".$b["charname"]."</span>";
} else {
$charname = $b["charname"];
$list .= "<a href=\"index.php?do=challenge&uid=".$b["id"]."\">".$b["charname"]." (Level ".$b["level"].")</a><br />";
$pagerow["list"] = $list;
display("Duel Challenge", parsetemplate(gettemplate("town_pvplist"),$pagerow));
function duelchallenge() {
global $userrow, $acctrow;
if(isset($_GET["uid"])) {
if (!is_numeric($_GET["uid"])) { err("Invalid UID."); }
if ($_GET["uid"] == $userrow["id"]) { err("You cannot duel yourself."); }
$newuserrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(onlinetime) as fonlinetime FROM <<users>> WHERE id='".$_GET["uid"]."' LIMIT 1"));
if ($newuserrow == false) { err("That user doesn't exist."); }
if ($newuserrow["account"] == $userrow["account"]) { err("You cannot duel another character on your own account."); }
if ($newuserrow["fonlinetime"] <= (time() - 600)) { err("That user is not online."); }
if ($newuserrow["currentaction"] != "In Town") { err("That user is busy."); }
if ($newuserrow["latitude"] != $userrow["latitude"] || $newuserrow["longitude"] != $userrow["longitude"]) { err("That user is not in this town."); }
} else { err("Invalid UID."); }
// No errors, so create the PVP record and update everyone's userrow.
$query = doquery("INSERT INTO <<pvp>> SET id='',player1id='".$userrow["id"]."',player2id='".$newuserrow["id"]."',player1name='".$userrow["charname"]."',player2name='".$newuserrow["charname"]."',playerturn='".$newuserrow["id"]."',turntime=NOW(),fightrow=''");
$query2 = doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET currentpvp='".mysql_insert_id()."' WHERE id='".$newuserrow["id"]."' OR id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 2");
display("Duel Challenge",parsetemplate(gettemplate("pvp_challenge"),$newuserrow));