9.2.2007 - Build 20 (Consolation Prize Part Deux): - Fixed incorrect story values in install.sql. - Some changes to the version/copyright/moddedby display.
435 lines
18 KiB
435 lines
18 KiB
<?php // pvp.php :: primary duel controller.
// Dragon Scourge
// Program authors: Jamin Blount
// Copyright (C) 2007 by renderse7en
// Script Version 1.0 Beta 5 Build 20
// You may not distribute this program in any manner, modified or
// otherwise, without the express, written consent from
// renderse7en.
// You may make modifications, but only for your own use and
// within the confines of the Dragon Scourge License Agreement
// (see our website for that).
global $userrow;
$monsterrow = array();
if ($userrow["currentpvp"] == 0) { die(header("Location: index.php")); }
function donothing() {
global $userrow, $monsterrow, $fightrow;
$pvp = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<pvp>> WHERE id='".$userrow["currentpvp"]."' LIMIT 1"));
// Check if they need to accept challenge.
if ($pvp["accepted"] == 0 && $pvp["player2id"] == $userrow["id"]) { challenged(); }
// Check if challenge has been declined.
if ($pvp["accepted"] == 2) {
$query = doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET currentpvp='0',currentaction='In Town' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1");
$query = doquery("DELETE FROM <<pvp>> WHERE id='".$pvp["id"]."' LIMIT 1");
display("Duel Challenge", gettemplate("pvp_declined"));
// Check if they're dead.
if ($userrow["currenthp"] <= 0) { youlose(); }
// Check if it's their turn.
if ($pvp["playerturn"] == $userrow["id"]) { dofight(); }
// Not their turn, so wait.
function challenged() {
global $userrow, $monsterrow, $fightrow;
$pvp = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<pvp>> WHERE id='".$userrow["currentpvp"]."' LIMIT 1"));
if ($pvp == false) { die("Location: index.php"); }
$newuserrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<users>> WHERE id='".$pvp["player1id"]."' LIMIT 1"));
if ($newuserrow["charpicture"] != "") {
$newuserrow["avatar"] = "<img src=\"".$newuserrow["charpicture"]."\" alt=\"".$newuserrow["charname"]."\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\" />";
} else {
$newuserrow["avatar"] = "<img src=\"images/users/nopicture.gif\" alt=\"".$newuserrow["charname"]."\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\" />";
if (isset($_POST["yes"])) {
$query = doquery("UPDATE <<pvp>> SET accepted='1' WHERE id='".$userrow["currentpvp"]."' LIMIT 1");
$query = doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET currentaction='Duelling' WHERE id='".$pvp["player1id"]."' OR id='".$pvp["player2id"]."' LIMIT 2");
} elseif (isset($_POST["no"])) {
$query = doquery("UPDATE <<pvp>> SET accepted='2',playerturn=player1id WHERE id='".$userrow["currentpvp"]."' LIMIT 1");
$query = doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET currentaction='In Town', currentpvp='0' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1");
display("Duel Challenge",parsetemplate(gettemplate("pvp_decline"),$newuserrow));
} else {
display("Duel Challenge",parsetemplate(gettemplate("pvp_challenged"),$newuserrow));
function dowait() {
global $userrow, $monsterrow, $fightrow;
$pvp = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<pvp>> WHERE id='".$userrow["currentpvp"]."' LIMIT 1"));
// "monsterrow" now becomes the other player's character.
if ($pvp["player1id"] == $userrow["id"]) {
$monsterrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<users>> WHERE id='".$pvp["player2id"]."' LIMIT 1"));
} else {
$monsterrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<users>> WHERE id='".$pvp["player1id"]."' LIMIT 1"));
$pagerow = array(
if ($monsterrow["charpicture"] != "") {
$pagerow["avatar"] = "<img src=\"".$monsterrow["charpicture"]."\" alt=\"".$monsterrow["charname"]."\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\" />";
} else {
$pagerow["avatar"] = "<img src=\"images/users/nopicture.gif\" alt=\"".$monsterrow["charname"]."\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\" />";
function dofight() {
global $userrow, $monsterrow, $fightrow, $spells;
$pvp = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<pvp>> WHERE id='".$userrow["currentpvp"]."' LIMIT 1"));
// "monsterrow" now becomes the other player's character.
if ($pvp["player1id"] == $userrow["id"]) {
$nextplayer = $pvp["player2id"];
$monsterrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<users>> WHERE id='".$pvp["player2id"]."' LIMIT 1"));
} else {
$nextplayer = $pvp["player1id"];
$monsterrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<users>> WHERE id='".$pvp["player1id"]."' LIMIT 1"));
if (isset($_POST["fight"])) {
if ($monsterrow["currenthp"] <= 0) { youwin(); }
$fightrowimploded = $fightrow["playerphysdamage"].",".$fightrow["playermagicdamage"].",".$fightrow["playerfiredamage"].",".$fightrow["playerlightdamage"].",".$fightrow["message"];
$query = doquery("UPDATE <<pvp>> SET fightrow='$fightrowimploded', playerturn='$nextplayer' WHERE id='".$pvp["id"]."' LIMIT 1");
$pagerow = array(
$pagerow["spells"] = dospellslist();
if ($monsterrow["charpicture"] != "") {
$pagerow["avatar"] = "<img src=\"".$monsterrow["charpicture"]."\" alt=\"".$monsterrow["charname"]."\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\" />";
} else {
$pagerow["avatar"] = "<img src=\"images/users/nopicture.gif\" alt=\"".$monsterrow["charname"]."\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\" />";
} elseif (isset($_POST["spell"])) {
if (! is_numeric($_POST["spellid"])) { err("Invalid spell selection."); }
$isavailable = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++) {
if ($userrow["spell".$i."id"] == $_POST["spellid"]) { $isavailable = 1; }
if ($isavailable == 0) { err("You don't have that spell."); }
$fightrow["message"] = $spells[$_POST["spellid"]]["fname"]($_POST["spellid"]);
$monsterrow["currenthp"] -= ($fightrow["playerphysdamage"] + $fightrow["playermagicdamage"] + $fightrow["playerfiredamage"] + $fightrow["playerlightdamage"]);
if ($monsterrow["currenthp"] <= 0) { youwin(); }
$fightrowimploded = $fightrow["playerphysdamage"].",".$fightrow["playermagicdamage"].",".$fightrow["playerfiredamage"].",".$fightrow["playerlightdamage"].",".$fightrow["message"];
$query = doquery("UPDATE <<pvp>> SET fightrow='$fightrowimploded', playerturn='$nextplayer' WHERE id='".$pvp["id"]."' LIMIT 1");
$pagerow = array(
$pagerow["spells"] = dospellslist();
if ($monsterrow["charpicture"] != "") {
$pagerow["avatar"] = "<img src=\"".$monsterrow["charpicture"]."\" alt=\"".$monsterrow["charname"]."\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\" />";
} else {
$pagerow["avatar"] = "<img src=\"images/users/nopicture.gif\" alt=\"".$monsterrow["charname"]."\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\" />";
if ($pvp["fightrow"] != "") {
$tempfightrow = explode(",",$pvp["fightrow"]);
$fightrow["playerphysdamage"] = $tempfightrow[0];
$fightrow["playermagicdamage"] = $tempfightrow[1];
$fightrow["playerfiredamage"] = $tempfightrow[2];
$fightrow["playerlightdamage"] = $tempfightrow[3];
$fightrow["message"] = $tempfightrow[4];
$pagerow = array(
$pagerow["spells"] = dospellslist();
if ($monsterrow["charpicture"] != "") {
$pagerow["avatar"] = "<img src=\"".$monsterrow["charpicture"]."\" alt=\"".$monsterrow["charname"]."\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\" />";
} else {
$pagerow["avatar"] = "<img src=\"images/users/nopicture.gif\" alt=\"".$monsterrow["charname"]."\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\" />";
} else {
$pagerow = array(
$pagerow["spells"] = dospellslist();
if ($monsterrow["charpicture"] != "") {
$pagerow["avatar"] = "<img src=\"".$monsterrow["charpicture"]."\" alt=\"".$monsterrow["charname"]."\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\" />";
} else {
$pagerow["avatar"] = "<img src=\"images/users/nopicture.gif\" alt=\"".$monsterrow["charname"]."\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\" />";
function playerturn() {
global $userrow, $monsterrow, $fightrow;
// Calculate all damages.
if ($userrow["physattack"] != 0) {
$physhit = ceil(rand($userrow["physattack"]*.75, $userrow["physattack"]) / 3);
$physblock = ceil(rand($monsterrow["physdefense"]*.75, $monsterrow["physdefense"]) / 3);
$fightrow["playerphysdamage"] = max($physhit - $physblock, 0);
} else { $fightrow["playerphysdamage"] = 0; }
if ($userrow["magicattack"] != 0) {
$magichit = ceil(rand($userrow["magicattack"]*.75, $userrow["magicattack"]) / 3);
$magicblock = ceil(rand($monsterrow["magicdefense"]*.75, $monsterrow["magicdefense"]) / 3);
$fightrow["playermagicdamage"] = max($magichit - $magicblock, 0);
} else { $fightrow["playermagicdamage"] = 0; }
if ($userrow["fireattack"] != 0) {
$firehit = ceil(rand($userrow["fireattack"]*.75, $userrow["fireattack"]) / 3);
$fireblock = ceil(rand($monsterrow["firedefense"]*.75, $monsterrow["firedefense"]) / 3);
$fightrow["playerfiredamage"] = max($firehit - $fireblock, 0);
} else { $fightrow["playerfiredamage"] = 0; }
if ($userrow["lightattack"] != 0) {
$lighthit = ceil(rand($userrow["lightattack"]*.75, $userrow["lightattack"]) / 3);
$lightblock = ceil(rand($monsterrow["lightdefense"]*.75, $monsterrow["lightdefense"]) / 3);
$fightrow["playerlightdamage"] = max($lighthit - $lightblock, 0);
} else { $fightrow["playerlightdamage"] = 0; }
// Chance to make an excellent hit.
$toexcellent = rand(0,150);
if ($toexcellent <= sqrt($userrow["dexterity"])) {
$fightrow["playerphysdamage"] *= 2;
$fightrow["playermagicdamage"] *= 2;
$fightrow["playerfiredamage"] *= 2;
$fightrow["playerlightdamage"] *= 2;
$fightrow["message"] = "<b>Excellent hit!</b><br />";
// Chance for monster to dodge.
$tododge = rand(0,200);
if ($tododge <= sqrt($monsterrow["dexterity"])) {
$fightrow["playerphysdamage"] = 0;
$fightrow["playermagicdamage"] = 0;
$fightrow["playerfiredamage"] = 0;
$fightrow["playerlightdamage"] = 0;
$fightrow["message"] = "<b>".$monsterrow["charname"]." dodged the hit!</b><br />";
// Now we add Per Turn mods.
// Subtract all damage from monster's hp.
$monsterrow["currenthp"] -= ($fightrow["playerphysdamage"] + $fightrow["playermagicdamage"] + $fightrow["playerfiredamage"] + $fightrow["playerlightdamage"]);
function youwin() {
global $userrow, $monsterrow, $fightrow;
$pvp = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<pvp>> WHERE id='".$userrow["currentpvp"]."' LIMIT 1"));
// "monsterrow" now becomes the other player's character.
if ($pvp["player1id"] == $userrow["id"]) {
$nextplayer = $pvp["player2id"];
} else {
$nextplayer = $pvp["player1id"];
$template = "pvp_win";
$userrow["currentaction"] = "In Town";
$userrow["currentfight"] = 0;
$userrow["currentpvp"] = 0;
$userrow["bonusattack"] = 0;
$userrow["bonusdefense"] = 0;
// Now we add Per Kill mods.
// Update for new stats.
$userrow["pvpwins"] += 1;
$monsterrow["pvplosses"] += 1;
if ($monsterrow["level"] > $userrow["pvphighest"]) { $userrow["pvphighest"] = $monsterrow["level"]; }
$fightrowimploded = $fightrow["playerphysdamage"].",".$fightrow["playermagicdamage"].",".$fightrow["playerfiredamage"].",".$fightrow["playerlightdamage"].",".$fightrow["message"];
$query = doquery("UPDATE <<pvp>> SET fightrow='$fightrowimploded', playerturn='$nextplayer' WHERE id='".$pvp["id"]."' LIMIT 1");
// And we're done.
$pagerow = array(
if ($monsterrow["charpicture"] != "") {
$pagerow["avatar"] = "<img src=\"".$monsterrow["charpicture"]."\" alt=\"".$monsterrow["charname"]."\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\" />";
} else {
$pagerow["avatar"] = "<img src=\"images/users/nopicture.gif\" alt=\"".$monsterrow["charname"]."\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\" />";
function youlose() {
global $userrow, $monsterrow, $fightrow;
$pvp = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<pvp>> WHERE id='".$userrow["currentpvp"]."' LIMIT 1"));
if ($pvp["player1id"] == $userrow["id"]) {
$monsterrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<users>> WHERE id='".$pvp["player2id"]."' LIMIT 1"));
} else {
$monsterrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<users>> WHERE id='".$pvp["player1id"]."' LIMIT 1"));
$tempfightrow = explode(",",$pvp["fightrow"]);
$fightrow["playerphysdamage"] = $tempfightrow[0];
$fightrow["playermagicdamage"] = $tempfightrow[1];
$fightrow["playerfiredamage"] = $tempfightrow[2];
$fightrow["playerlightdamage"] = $tempfightrow[3];
$fightrow["message"] = $tempfightrow[4];
// Then put them in town & reset fight stuff.
$userrow["currentaction"] = "In Town";
$userrow["currentfight"] = 0;
$userrow["currentpvp"] = 0;
$userrow["currenthp"] = ceil($userrow["maxhp"] / 4);
$userrow["bonusattack"] = 0;
$userrow["bonusdefense"] = 0;
// Update.
$query = doquery("DELETE FROM <<pvp>> WHERE id='".$pvp["id"]."' LIMIT 1");
// And we're done.
$pagerow = array(
if ($monsterrow["charpicture"] != "") {
$pagerow["avatar"] = "<img src=\"".$monsterrow["charpicture"]."\" alt=\"".$monsterrow["charname"]."\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\" />";
} else {
$pagerow["avatar"] = "<img src=\"images/users/nopicture.gif\" alt=\"".$monsterrow["charname"]."\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\" />";
display("Thou Art Dead.",parsetemplate(gettemplate("pvp_lose"),$pagerow));
function updateopponent() {
global $monsterrow;
$monsterrow = array_map("uber_mres", $monsterrow);
$querystring = "";
foreach($monsterrow as $a=>$b) {
$querystring .= "$a='$b',";
$querystring = rtrim($querystring, ",");
$query = doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET $querystring WHERE id='".$monsterrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1");
function dospellslist() {
global $userrow, $spells;
$options = "";
for ($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++) {
if ($userrow["spell".$i."id"] != 0) {
$options .= "<option value=\"".$userrow["spell".$i."id"]."\">".$userrow["spell".$i."name"]."</option>\n";
if ($options != "") {
$list = "<select name=\"spellid\">$options</select> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"spell\" value=\"Cast Spell\" />";
} else { $list = "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"spell\" value=\"Cast Spell\" disabled=\"disabled\" />"; }
return $list;