9.2.2007 - Build 20 (Consolation Prize Part Deux): - Fixed incorrect story values in install.sql. - Some changes to the version/copyright/moddedby display.
532 lines
31 KiB
532 lines
31 KiB
<?php // guilds.php :: All guild/clan functions.
// Dragon Scourge
// Program authors: Jamin Blount
// Copyright (C) 2007 by renderse7en
// Script Version 1.0 Beta 5 Build 20
// You may not distribute this program in any manner, modified or
// otherwise, without the express, written consent from
// renderse7en.
// You may make modifications, but only for your own use and
// within the confines of the Dragon Scourge License Agreement
// (see our website for that).
// Before allowing anything else, we make sure the person is actually in town.
global $townrow;
if ($townrow == false) { die(header("Location: index.php")); }
function guildmain() {
global $userrow;
if ($userrow["guild"] != 0) {
if (!isset($_GET["list"])) { guildhome(); }
$guilds = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<guilds>> WHERE isactive='1' ORDER BY honor"), "id");
$row["guildlist"] = "<table style=\"width: 95%;\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td><b>Guild Name & Tag</b></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><b>Honor</b></td><td style=\"text-align: right;\"><b>Functions</b></td></tr>";
$bgcolor = "background-color: #ffffff;";
if ($guilds != false) {
foreach($guilds as $a => $b) {
if ($userrow["guild"] == 0) { $applylink = "<a href=\"index.php?do=guildapp&id=".$b["id"]."\">Apply to Join</a> | "; } else { $applylink = ""; }
$row["guildlist"] .= "<tr><td style=\"$bgcolor padding: 3px;\">[<span style=\"color: ".$b["color1"].";\"><b>".$b["tagline"]."</b></span>] <span style=\"color: ".$b["color2"].";\"><b>".$b["name"]."</b></span></td><td style=\"$bgcolor padding: 3px; text-align: center;\">".$b["honor"]."</td><td style=\"$bgcolor padding: 3px; text-align: right;\">$applylink<a href=\"index.php?do=guildmembers&id=".$b["id"]."\">Member List</a></td></tr>\n";
if ($bgcolor == "background-color: #ffffff;") { $bgcolor = "background-color: #dddddd;"; } else { $bgcolor = "background-color: #ffffff;"; }
} else {
$row["guildlist"] .= "<tr><td>No Guilds have been created yet.</td></tr>";
$row["guildlist"] .= "</table><br />";
display("Guild Hall", parsetemplate(gettemplate("guild_list"), $row));
function guildhome() {
global $userrow, $controlrow;
if ($userrow["guild"] == 0) { err("You are not yet a member of any Guild. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
$guild = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<guilds>> WHERE id='".$userrow["guild"]."' LIMIT 1"));
if ($guild["lastupdate"] <= (mktime() - ($controlrow["guildupdate"] * 3600))) { $guild = guildupdate(); }
switch($userrow["guildrank"]) {
case 1: $template = "guild_homelow"; break;
case 2: $template = "guild_homelow"; break;
case 3: $template = "guild_homelow"; break;
case 4: $template = "guild_homemid"; break;
case 5: $template = "guild_homehigh"; break;
default: $template = "guild_homelow"; break;
// Setup Babblebox.
$pagerow["babblebox"] = "<div class=\"big\"><b>Guild Babblebox</b></div>\n<iframe src=\"index.php?do=babblebox&g=".$userrow["guild"]."\" name=\"sbox\" width=\"100%\" height=\"200\" frameborder=\"0\" id=\"bbox\">Your browser does not support inline frames! The Babble Box will not be available until you upgrade to a newer <a href=\"http://www.mozilla.org\" target=\"_new\">browser</a>.</iframe>";
// Setup Bank.
$pagerow["bank"] = number_format($guild["bank"]);
// Pull memberslist for select box.
$members = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<users>> WHERE guild='".$userrow["guild"]."' ORDER BY guildrank"), "id");
$pagerow["memberselect"] = "<select name=\"charid\" style=\"font: 10px Arial;\">";
foreach($members as $a => $b) {
$pagerow["memberselect"] .= "<option value=\"".$b["id"]."\">".$b["charname"]." (Rank ".$b["guildrank"].")</option>\n";
$pagerow["memberselect"] .= "</select>";
// Pull applications for selectbox.
$apps = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<guildapps>> WHERE guild='".$userrow["guild"]."' ORDER BY id"), "id");
if ($apps != false) {
$pagerow["appselect"] = "<select name=\"charid\" style=\"font: 10px Arial;\">";
foreach ($apps as $a => $b) {
$pagerow["appselect"] .= "<option value=\"".$b["charid"]."\">".$b["charname"]."</option>\n";
$pagerow["appselect"] .= "</select><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"approve\" value=\"Approve\" /> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"deny\" value=\"Deny\" />";
} else {
$pagerow["appselect"] = "No new applications.";
// Set up everything else.
if (trim($guild["news"]) != "") {
$pagerow["news"] = nl2br($guild["news"]);
} else { $pagerow["news"] = "No news yet."; }
$title = "[".$guild["tagline"]."] ".$guild["name"] . " (Honor: ".$guild["honor"].")";
display($title, parsetemplate(gettemplate($template),$pagerow));
function guildcreate() {
global $controlrow, $userrow;
// Errors.
if ($userrow["gold"] < $controlrow["guildstartup"]) { err("You do not have enough gold to create a Guild. Starting your own Guild requires ".number_format($controlrow["guildstartup"])." gold. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($userrow["guild"] != 0) { err("You are already a member of another Guild. You must renounce your current membership before starting your own Guild. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
$appquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM <<guildapps>> WHERE charid='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1");
if (mysql_num_rows($appquery) != 0) { err("You have already applied to join another Guild. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($userrow["level"] < $controlrow["guildstartlvl"]) { err("You cannot join a guild until you are at least Level ".$controlrow["guildstartlvl"].". Please continue playing until your character is Level ".$controlrow["guildstartlvl"].", then try again."); }
if (isset($_POST["submit"])) {
// Errors.
$errors = 0; $errorlist = "";
if (preg_match("/[^A-z\ 0-9_\-]/", $name)==1) { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Guild names can only contain letters, numbers, spaces and hyphens.<br />"; } // Thanks to "Carlos Pires" from php.net!
if (preg_match("/[^A-z\ 0-9_\-]/", $rank1)==1) { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Rank 1 can only contain letters, numbers, spaces and hyphens.<br />"; } // Thanks to "Carlos Pires" from php.net!
if (preg_match("/[^A-z\ 0-9_\-]/", $rank2)==1) { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Rank 2 can only contain letters, numbers, spaces and hyphens.<br />"; } // Thanks to "Carlos Pires" from php.net!
if (preg_match("/[^A-z\ 0-9_\-]/", $rank3)==1) { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Rank 3 can only contain letters, numbers, spaces and hyphens.<br />"; } // Thanks to "Carlos Pires" from php.net!
if (preg_match("/[^A-z\ 0-9_\-]/", $rank4)==1) { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Rank 4 can only contain letters, numbers, spaces and hyphens.<br />"; } // Thanks to "Carlos Pires" from php.net!
if (preg_match("/[^A-z\ 0-9_\-]/", $rank5)==1) { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Rank 5 can only contain letters, numbers, spaces and hyphens.<br />"; } // Thanks to "Carlos Pires" from php.net!
if (preg_match("/[^A-z0-9_\-]/", $tagline)==1) { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Guild taglines must be alphanumeric.<br />"; } // Thanks to "Carlos Pires" from php.net!
if (trim($name) == "") { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Guild name is required.<br />"; }
if (trim($tagline) == "") { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Tagline is required.<br />"; }
if (trim($color1) == "#") { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Tagline color is required.<br />"; }
if (strlen($color1) < 7) { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Tagline color must be 7 characters long.<br />"; }
if (trim($color2) == "#") { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Name color is required.<br />"; }
if (strlen($color2) < 7) { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Name color must be 7 characters long.<br />"; }
if (trim($joincost) == "") { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Cost to join is required.<br />"; }
if (!is_numeric($joincost)) { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Cost to join must be a number.<br />"; }
if (trim($rank1) == "") { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Rank 1 is required.<br />"; }
if (trim($rank2) == "") { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Rank 2 is required.<br />"; }
if (trim($rank3) == "") { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Rank 3 is required.<br />"; }
if (trim($rank4) == "") { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Rank 4 is required.<br />"; }
if (trim($rank5) == "") { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Rank 5 is required.<br />"; }
// Should be fine. Go on and create it.
if ($errors == 0) {
$querystring = "";
foreach($_POST as $a => $b) {
$querystring .= "$a='$b',";
$querystring .= "id='',isactive='1',founder='".$userrow["id"]."', members='1'";
$query = doquery("INSERT INTO <<guilds>> SET $querystring");
// Now update the Founder's userrow.
$query = doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET gold=gold-".$controlrow["guildstartup"].", guild='".mysql_insert_id()."',guildrank='5',guildtag='$tagline',tagcolor='$color1',namecolor='$color2' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1");
// And we're done.
display("Create a Guild", "Your guild was successfully created.<br /><br />You may now return to <a href=\"index.php\">the game</a>.");
} else {
// Die gracefully on errors.
err("The following error(s) occurred when your account was being made:<br /><span style=\"color:red;\">$errorlist</span><br />Please <a href=\"users.php?do=guildcreate\">go back</a> and try again.");
$row["guildstartup"] = number_format($controlrow["guildstartup"]);
display("Create a Guild", parsetemplate(gettemplate("guild_create"), $row));
function guildedit() {
global $userrow;
$guild = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<guilds>> WHERE id='".$userrow["guild"]."' LIMIT 1"));
// Errors.
if ($userrow["guildrank"] < 5) { err("You do not have permission to edit the Guild settings. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if (isset($_POST["submit"])) {
// Errors.
$errors = 0; $errorlist = "";
if (preg_match("/[^A-z\ 0-9_\-]/", $rank1)==1) { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Rank 1 can only contain letters, numbers, spaces and hyphens.<br />"; } // Thanks to "Carlos Pires" from php.net!
if (preg_match("/[^A-z\ 0-9_\-]/", $rank2)==1) { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Rank 2 can only contain letters, numbers, spaces and hyphens.<br />"; } // Thanks to "Carlos Pires" from php.net!
if (preg_match("/[^A-z\ 0-9_\-]/", $rank3)==1) { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Rank 3 can only contain letters, numbers, spaces and hyphens.<br />"; } // Thanks to "Carlos Pires" from php.net!
if (preg_match("/[^A-z\ 0-9_\-]/", $rank4)==1) { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Rank 4 can only contain letters, numbers, spaces and hyphens.<br />"; } // Thanks to "Carlos Pires" from php.net!
if (preg_match("/[^A-z\ 0-9_\-]/", $rank5)==1) { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Rank 5 can only contain letters, numbers, spaces and hyphens.<br />"; } // Thanks to "Carlos Pires" from php.net!
//if (preg_match("/#[a-fA-F0-9]/", $color1)==1) { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Tagline color does not appear to be a valid HTML color code.<br />"; }
//if (preg_match("/#[a-fA-F0-9]/", $color2)==1) { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Name color does not appear to be a valid HTML color code.<br />"; }
if (trim($color1) == "#") { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Tagline color is required.<br />"; }
if (strlen($color1) != 7) { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Tagline color must be 7 characters long.<br />"; }
if (trim($color2) == "#") { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Name color is required.<br />"; }
if (strlen($color2) != 7) { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Name color must be 7 characters long.<br />"; }
if (trim($joincost) == "") { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Cost to join is required.<br />"; }
if (!is_numeric($joincost)) { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Cost to join must be a number.<br />"; }
if (trim($rank1) == "") { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Rank 1 is required.<br />"; }
if (trim($rank2) == "") { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Rank 2 is required.<br />"; }
if (trim($rank3) == "") { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Rank 3 is required.<br />"; }
if (trim($rank4) == "") { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Rank 4 is required.<br />"; }
if (trim($rank5) == "") { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Rank 5 is required.<br />"; }
// Should be fine. Go on and create it.
if ($errors == 0) {
$querystring = "";
foreach($_POST as $a => $b) {
$querystring .= "$a='$b',";
$querystring .= "id=id";
$query = doquery("UPDATE <<guilds>> SET $querystring WHERE id='".$guild["id"]."'");
$updatemem = doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET namecolor='$color2', tagcolor='$color1' WHERE guild='".$guild["id"]."'");
// And we're done.
display("Edit Guild", "Your guild was successfully edited.<br /><br />You may now return to <a href=\"index.php\">town</a> or to your <a href=\"index.php?do=guildhome\">Guild Hall</a>.");
} else {
// Die gracefully on errors.
err("The following error(s) occurred when your account was being made:<br /><span style=\"color:red;\">$errorlist</span><br />Please <a href=\"users.php?do=register\">go back</a> and try again.");
display("Edit Guild", parsetemplate(gettemplate("guild_edit"), $guild));
function guildapp() {
global $userrow;
$id = $_GET["id"];
if (!is_numeric($id)) { err("Invalid input. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
$guild = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<guilds>> WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1"));
if ($guild == false) { err("Invalid input. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
// Errors.
if ($userrow["gold"] < $guild["joincost"]) { err("You do not have enough gold to join this Guild. Joining this Guild requires ".number_format($guild["joincost"])." gold. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($userrow["guild"] != 0) { err("You are already a member of another Guild. You must renounce your current membership before joining this Guild. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
$appquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM <<guildapps>> WHERE charid='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1");
if (mysql_num_rows($appquery) != 0) { err("You have already applied to join another Guild. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($userrow["level"] < $controlrow["guildjoinlvl"]) { err("You cannot join a guild until you are at least Level ".$controlrow["guildjoinlvl"].". Please continue playing until your character is Level ".$controlrow["guildjoinlvl"].", then try again."); }
if (isset($_POST["yes"])) {
$query = doquery("INSERT INTO <<guildapps>> SET id='',guild='$id',charid='".$userrow["id"]."',charname='".$userrow["charname"]."'");
$update = doquery("UPDATE <<guilds>> SET bank=bank+".$guild["joincost"]." WHERE id='".$guild["id"]."' LIMIT 1");
$updatemem = doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET gold=gold-".$guild["joincost"]." WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1");
$send = doquery("INSERT INTO <<messages>> SET id='', postdate=NOW(), senderid='0', sendername='".$guild["name"]."', recipientid='".$guild["founder"]."', recipientname='Guild Leader', status='0', title='New Guild Application', message='Someone has applied to join your Guild.<br /><br /><b>Do not reply to this message!</b>', gold='0'");
display("Join a Guild", "Thank you for applying to this Guild. If the Guild Leader approves your application, you will be notified via the Post Office.<br /><br />You may now return to <a href=\"index.php\">the game</a>.");
} elseif (isset($_POST["no"])) {
die(header("Location: index.php?do=guilds"));
} else {
$guild["joincost"] = number_format($guild["joincost"]);
$guild["statement"] = nl2br($guild["statement"]);
display("Join a Guild", parsetemplate(gettemplate("guild_apply"), $guild));
function guildmembers() {
$id = $_GET["id"];
if (!is_numeric($id)) { err("Invalid input. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
$guild = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<guilds>> WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1"));
if ($guild == false) { err("Invalid input. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
$guildmembers = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<users>> WHERE guild='$id' ORDER BY guildrank DESC"), "id");
$row["guildmembers"] = "<table style=\"width: 95%;\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td style=\"background-color: #dddddd; padding: 3px;\"><b>Name</b></td><td style=\"background-color: #dddddd; padding: 3px; text-align: right;\"><b>Rank</b></td></tr>\n";
$bgcolor = "background-color: #ffffff;";
if ($guildmembers != false) {
foreach ($guildmembers as $a => $b) {
$row["guildmembers"] .= "<tr><td style=\"$bgcolor padding: 3px;\">[<span style=\"color: ".$guild["color1"].";\"><b>".$guild["tagline"]."</b></span>]<span style=\"color: ".$guild["color2"].";\"><b>".$b["charname"]."</b></span></td><td style=\"$bgcolor padding: 3px; text-align: right;\">".$guild["rank".$b["guildrank"]]."</td></tr>\n";
if ($bgcolor == "background-color: #ffffff;") { $bgcolor = "background-color: #dddddd;"; } else { $bgcolor = "background-color: #ffffff;"; }
} else {
$row["guildmembers"] .= "<tr><td>This Guild has no members yet.</td></tr>";
$row["guildmembers"] .= "</table><br />";
$row["name"] = $guild["name"];
display("Guild Hall", parsetemplate(gettemplate("guild_members"), $row));
function guildbank() {
global $userrow;
$guild = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<guilds>> WHERE id='".$userrow["guild"]."' LIMIT 1"));
if (isset($_POST["out"])) {
$member = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<users>> WHERE id='$charid' LIMIT 1"));
// Errors.
if ($userrow["guildrank"] < 4) { err("You do not have permission to distribute Guild funds. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if (!is_numeric($charid)) { err("Invalid input. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if (!is_numeric($gold)) { err("Invalid input. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($gold < 0) { err("You can't send a negative amount of gold. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($gold > $guild["bank"]) { err("Your Guild does not have that much gold in the bank. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($member == false) { err("Invalid input. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($member["guild"] != $userrow["guild"]) { err("That player is not in your Guild. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($member["id"] == $userrow["id"]) { err("You cannot send Guild money to yourself. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
// Do stuff.
$send = doquery("INSERT INTO <<messages>> SET id='', postdate=NOW(), senderid='0', sendername='".$guild["name"]."', recipientid='$charid', recipientname='".$member["charname"]."', status='0', title='Money from your Guild', message='Your Guild has sent you money from the Guild Bank.<br /><br /><b>Do not reply to this message!</b>', gold='$gold'");
$update = doquery("UPDATE <<guilds>> SET bank=bank-$gold WHERE id='".$userrow["guild"]."' LIMIT 1");
display("Post Office", gettemplate("mailbox_sent"));
} elseif (isset($_POST["in"])) {
// Errors.
if (!is_numeric($_POST["golddeposit"])) { err("Invalid action. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($_POST["golddeposit"] < 1) { err("Deposit amount must be greater than 0."); }
if ($_POST["golddeposit"] > $userrow["gold"]) { err("You do not have that much money in your pocket."); }
// Do stuff.
$update = doquery("UPDATE <<guilds>> SET bank=bank+".$_POST["golddeposit"]." WHERE id='".$userrow["guild"]."' LIMIT 1");
$updatemem = doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET gold=gold-".$_POST["golddeposit"]." WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1");
display("Guild Bank", "Thank you for depositing money to the Guild Bank.<br /><br />You may now return to <a href=\"index.php\">Town</a> or to your <a href=\"index.php?do=guildhome\">Guild Hall</a>.");
function guildpromote() {
global $userrow;
$guild = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<guilds>> WHERE id='".$userrow["guild"]."' LIMIT 1"));
$member = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<users>> WHERE id='$charid' LIMIT 1"));
if (isset($_POST["promote"])) {
// Errors.
if ($userrow["guildrank"] < 4) { err("You do not have permission to promote members. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($userrow["guildrank"] == 4 && $member["guildrank"] >= 3) { err("You do not have permission to promote this member any higher. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($member["guildrank"] == 5) { err("This member cannot be promoted any higher. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($member == false) { err("Invalid input. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($member["guild"] != $userrow["guild"]) { err("That player is not in your Guild. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
// Do stuff.
$update = doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET guildrank=guildrank+1 WHERE id='$charid' LIMIT 1");
} elseif (isset($_POST["demote"])) {
// Errors.
if ($userrow["guildrank"] < 4) { err("You do not have permission to demote members. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($userrow["guildrank"] == 4 && $member["guildrank"] > 3) { err("You do not have permission to demote this member. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($userrow["id"] == $member["id"]) { err("You cannot demote yourself. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($member == false) { err("Invalid input. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($member["guild"] != $userrow["guild"]) { err("That player is not in your Guild. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($member["guildrank"] == 1) { guildremove(); }
// Do stuff.
$update = doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET guildrank=guildrank-1 WHERE id='$charid' LIMIT 1");
display("Guild Ranks", "Thank you for promoting/demoting this user.<br /><br />You may now return to <a href=\"index.php\">Town</a> or to your <a href=\"index.php?do=guildhome\">Guild Hall</a>.");
function guildapprove() {
global $userrow;
$guild = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<guilds>> WHERE id='".$userrow["guild"]."' LIMIT 1"));
$member = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<users>> WHERE id='$charid' LIMIT 1"));
$app = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<guildapps>> WHERE guild='".$userrow["guild"]."' AND charid='$charid' LIMIT 1"));
// Errors.
if ($userrow["guildrank"] < 4) { err("You do not have permission to approve new members. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if ($app == false) { err("Invalid input. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
// Do stuff.
if (isset($_POST["approve"])) {
$updatemem = doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET guild='".$userrow["guild"]."', guildrank='1', guildtag='".$guild["tagline"]."', tagcolor='".$guild["color1"]."', namecolor='".$guild["color2"]."' WHERE id='".$app["charid"]."' LIMIT 1");
$updateguild = doquery("UPDATE <<guilds>> SET members=members+1 WHERE id='".$userrow["guild"]."' LIMIT 1");
$deleteapp = doquery("DELETE FROM <<guildapps>> WHERE guild='".$userrow["guild"]."' AND charid='$charid' LIMIT 1");
$send = doquery("INSERT INTO <<messages>> SET id='', postdate=NOW(), senderid='0', sendername='".$guild["name"]."', recipientid='$charid', recipientname='".$member["charname"]."', status='0', title='Guild Approval', message='The Guild has approved you for membership, and you are now a member of ".$guild["name"].". Congratulations!<br /><br /><b>Do not reply to this message!</b>', gold='0'");
display("Approve Members", "Thank you for approving this user.<br /><br />You may now return to <a href=\"index.php\">Town</a> or to your <a href=\"index.php?do=guildhome\">Guild Hall</a>.");
} else {
$deleteapp = doquery("DELETE FROM <<guilds>> WHERE guild='".$userrow["guild"]."' AND charid='$charid' LIMIT 1");
$send = doquery("INSERT INTO <<messages>> SET id='', postdate=NOW(), senderid='0', sendername='".$guild["name"]."', recipientid='$charid', recipientname='".$member["charname"]."', status='0', title='Guild Denial', message='The Guild has denied your application for membership. Sorry.<br /><br /><b>Do not reply to this message!</b>', gold='0'");
display("Approve Members", "Thank you for denying this user.<br /><br />You may now return to <a href=\"index.php\">Town</a> or to your <a href=\"index.php?do=guildhome\">Guild Hall</a>.");
function guildremove() {
global $userrow;
$guild = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<guilds>> WHERE id='".$userrow["guild"]."' LIMIT 1"));
$member = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<users>> WHERE id='$charid' LIMIT 1"));
if (isset($_POST["yes"])) {
$update = doquery("UPDATE <<guilds>> SET members=members-1 WHERE id='".$guild["id"]."' LIMIT 1");
$updatemem = doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET guild='0', guildrank='0', guildtag='', tagcolor='', namecolor='' WHERE id='$charid' LIMIT 1");
$send = doquery("INSERT INTO <<messages>> SET id='', postdate=NOW(), senderid='0', sendername='".$guild["name"]."', recipientid='$charid', recipientname='".$member["charname"]."', status='0', title='Guild Removal', message='The Guild has removed you from their membership. Sorry.<br /><br /><b>Do not reply to this message!</b>', gold='0'");
display("Remove Members", "Thank you for removing this user.<br /><br />You may now return to <a href=\"index.php\">Town</a> or to your <a href=\"index.php?do=guildhome\">Guild Hall</a>.");
} elseif (isset($_POST["no"])) {
die(header("Location: index.php?do=guildhome"));
$pagerow["charid"] = $charid;
$pagerow["charname"] = $member["charname"];
display("Remove Member", parsetemplate(gettemplate("guild_remove"), $pagerow));
function guildnews() {
global $userrow;
$guild = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<guilds>> WHERE id='".$userrow["guild"]."' LIMIT 1"));
// Errors.
if ($userrow["guildrank"] < 5) { err("You do not have permission to edit Guild news. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if (isset($_POST["submit"])) {
$query = doquery("UPDATE <<guilds>> SET news='".$_POST["news"]."' WHERE id='".$userrow["guild"]."' LIMIT 1");
display("Guild News", "Thank you for updating your Guild News.<br /><br />You may now return to <a href=\"index.php\">Town</a> or to your <a href=\"index.php?do=guildhome\">Guild Hall</a>.");
if (trim($guild["news"]) == "") { $guild["news"] = "No news yet."; }
display("Guild News", parsetemplate(gettemplate("guild_news"), $guild));
function guilddisband() {
global $userrow;
$guild = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<guilds>> WHERE id='".$userrow["guild"]."' LIMIT 1"));
// Errors.
if ($userrow["id"] != $guild["founder"]) { err("You do not have permission to disband the Guild. Please <a href=\"index.php\">go back</a> and try again."); }
if (isset($_POST["yes"])) {
$guildmembers = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<users>> WHERE guild='".$guild["id"]."'"), "id");
foreach ($guildmembers as $a => $b) {
$send = doquery("INSERT INTO <<messages>> SET id='', postdate=NOW(), senderid='0', sendername='".$guild["name"]."', recipientid='".$b["id"]."', recipientname='".$b["charname"]."', status='0', title='Guild Disbanded', message='Your Guild leader has chosen to disband the guild. Your member status has been reset, and you can now apply to join another guild if you wish.<br /><br /><b>Do not reply to this message!</b>', gold='0'");
$updatemem = doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET guild='0', guildrank='0', guildtag='', tagcolor='', namecolor='' WHERE guild='".$guild["id"]."'");
$delete = doquery("DELETE FROM <<guilds>> WHERE id='".$guild["id"]."'");
$deletebb = doquery("DELETE FROM <<babblebox>> WHERE guild='".$guild["id"]."'");
display("Disband Guild", "Thank you for disbanding your Guild.<br /><br />You may now return to <a href=\"index.php\">Town</a>.");
} elseif (isset($_POST["no"])) {
die(header("Location: index.php?do=guildhome"));
display("Disband Guild", gettemplate("guild_disband"));
function guildleave() {
global $userrow;
$guild = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='".$userrow["guild"]."' LIMIT 1", "guilds"));
if (isset($_POST["yes"])) {
$updatemem = doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET guild='0', guildrank='0', guildtag='', tagcolor='', namecolor='' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."'");
$update = doquery("UPDATE <<guilds>> SET members=members-1 WHERE id='".$userrow["guild"]."' LIMIT 1");
display("Leave Guild", "Thank you for leaving your Guild.<br /><br />You may now return to <a href=\"index.php\">Town</a>.");
} elseif (isset($_POST["no"])) {
die(header("Location: index.php?do=guildhome"));
display("Leave Guild", gettemplate("guild_leave"));
function guildupdate() {
global $userrow;
$guild = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<guilds>> WHERE id='".$userrow["guild"]."' LIMIT 1"));
$users = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<users>> WHERE guild='".$userrow["guild"]."'"), "id");
$honor = $guild["members"];
$totalexp = 0;
foreach ($users as $a => $b) {
$totalexp += $b["experience"];
$honor += ($b["pvpwins"] * 2);
$honor -= $b["pvplosses"];
$honor += floor(sqrt($totalexp));
$lastupdate = mktime();
$update = doquery("UPDATE <<guilds>> SET honor='$honor',lastupdate='$lastupdate' WHERE id='".$userrow["guild"]."' LIMIT 1");
// Now update the array and send back to main guild function.
$guild["honor"] = $honor;
$guild["lastupdate"] = $lastupdate;
return ($guild);