2024-08-08 13:13:06 -05:00

66 lines
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<?php // globals.php :: Storage for lots of super important arrays we're probably going to need eventually.
// Dragon Scourge
// Program authors: Jamin Blount
// Copyright (C) 2007 by renderse7en
// Script Version 1.0 Beta 5 Build 20
// You may not distribute this program in any manner, modified or
// otherwise, without the express, written consent from
// renderse7en.
// You may make modifications, but only for your own use and
// within the confines of the Dragon Scourge License Agreement
// (see our website for that).
// Config.php.
if (trim($dbsettings["secretword"]) == "") { die("Invalid setting for secretword in config.php. This setting must never be blank."); }
// Control row.
$controlrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<control>> WHERE id='1' LIMIT 1"));
// Account row.
$acctrow = checkcookies();
if ($acctrow == false && substr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], -21) != "users.php?do=register") { die(header("Location: login.php?do=login")); }
if ($acctrow != false && $acctrow["characters"] == 0 && substr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], -20) != "users.php?do=charnew") { die(header("Location: users.php?do=charnew")); }
// User row.
if (substr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], -19) != "login.php?do=logout") {
$online = doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET onlinetime=NOW() WHERE id='".$acctrow["activechar"]."' LIMIT 1");
} else {
$online = doquery("UPDATE <<users>> SET onlinetime = DATE_SUB(onlinetime, INTERVAL 11 MINUTE) WHERE id='".$acctrow["activechar"]."' LIMIT 1");
$userrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<users>> WHERE id='".$acctrow["activechar"]."' LIMIT 1"));
if ($userrow != false) { $userrow = array_map("stripslashes", $userrow); }
// World row.
$worldrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<worlds>> WHERE id='".($userrow["world"] ?? 1)."' LIMIT 1"));
// Town row.
if (isset($userrow["currentaction"]) && $userrow["currentaction"] == "In Town") {
$townrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<towns>> WHERE world='".$userrow["world"]."' AND longitude='".$userrow["longitude"]."' AND latitude='".$userrow["latitude"]."' LIMIT 1"));
} else {
$townrow = false;
// Spells.
$spells = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <<spells>> ORDER BY id", "spells"), "id");
// Global fightrow.
$fightrow = array(