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***** BETA FIVE *****
8.8.2024 - Build 21 (Make Playable):
- Add a mysql_ shim to replace old database functions
- Modify some SQL to make it work with MySQL 8.0+
- Create botcheck folder and add a .gitkeep to pass tests
- Remove magic quotes functions as they have entirely been removed
9.2.2007 - Build 20 (Consolation Prize Part Deux):
- Fixed incorrect story values in install.sql.
- Some changes to the version/copyright/moddedby display.
07.28.2007 - Build 19 (Consolation Prize):
- Added "moddedby" column to controlrow. Will display next to normal Scourge copyright.
- Added SigBot, which lets players display their character stats in forum signature images.
- PVP fights now properly escape the opposing player's $userrow before updating.
- Fixed misspellings of 'bonusdefense' in spells.php.
- Fixed error that occurred when you failed to select a spell slot when adding new spells.
- Minor changes to err() output.
***** BETA FOUR *****
09.03.2006 - Build 18 (Joe Camel):
- Fixed function redeclaration with Blessed Strike & Stone Skin spells.
- When you're all alone, you no longer have a little blue "undefined" orb to keep you company.
- Changing worlds after a quest now gives you the world's starting town to avoid panel errors.
- Minor optimization fix for item building.
- Unique items no longer drop with prefixes/suffixes, and you can no longer buy unique items.
- Removed alphanumeric requirement for passwords.
- hpleech(monster) now properly accounts for difficulty multiplier when checking against the monster's maxhp.
- Added Deposit/Withdraw All links to the Bank.
- Fixed PVP and Post office bugs related to the new doquery syntax.
- Fixed single-quote bugs in mymail().
- Removed verbiage from the levelup template that was no longer necessary.
- Fixed some more verbiage in the registration message that was also no longer necessary.
- Added admin-definable cookie name and cookie domain to controlrow.
8.09.2006 - Build 17 (Haiku):
- Moved stylesheets into .css files.
- Added javascript tooltips for the class info when creating a new character.
- Changed doquery() format - rewrote all calls to this function to match the new format.
- Various changes to the structure of lib.php.
- Implemented Anman's increased attack and defense spells (Blessed Strike & Stone Skin).
- Fixed class display in profile view.
- Began admin control panel.
- Various little bitty fixes.
- You can no longer gamble 0 gold.
- Added new level stat type: life.
- Monsters can now do excellent hits, and you can now dodge monsters.
- Removed several columns from controlrow that are no longer used.
***** BETA THREE *****
4.26.2006 - Build 16 (Road Rage):
- Fixed a bug that prevented you from applying fewer than your max levelspell points.
- Added links back to the stores after buying maps/items or using the bank.
- Added a link back to town after gambling.
- Fixed the link in the error message when failing to create a guild.
4.08.2006 - Build 15 (Dead Man's Chest):
- Character profiles now display class name instead of ID numbers.
- Fixed incorrect minimum level display in guild start/apply error messages.
- Finally re-implemented gambling.
- Added very short tooltip descriptions of the classes when creating new characters.
- Spiffied up the Version Info page a little bit.
- A few other minor cosmetic changes.
2.26.2006 - Build 14 (Pete Rose):
- The poor sods who are stuck on dial-up can now select to not show the minimap in their account settings.
- Fixed a problem with guild names in paneltop.
- Fixed minor bug in account settings that caused a server error when not changing your password.
- Manually logging out of the game now resets your onlinetime so you no longer appear in Who's Online.
- Letting a duel time out after it's been accepted now counts against your duelling wins/losses.
- Overhauled dorow() to allow forcing array indexes by a specific column. Modified several functions accordingly.
- Guild Honor is now shown correctly on the main Guild Hall page immediately after an update.
- Guild shoutboxes now add the guild ID from userrow instead of in the GET request. More secure.
- Guild minimim join/start levels are now admin-editable in controlrow.
- updateuserrow() now array_maps addslashes to allow apostrophes in item names.
2.04.2006 - Build 13 (Unlucky):
- Dying now properly takes you back to the actual lat/lon of the world's first town (rather than 0,0 every time).
- Added 160+ new monsters for the later realms.
- Buy Maps now correctly only shows available maps from the Realm you're in.
- Fixed some weirdness with the Travel To menu in the second Realm.
- Added storyline/quests.
- Added item drops from monsters.
- Monsters now have a chance to swing first, and to block you from running.
- Added Quick Heal to panel_bottom.
- Users who are already a member of a guild no longer see the "Apply to Join" link on the Guild List page.
- Added Honor Points to guilds.
* plus 1 point per member.
* plus floored square root of total combined member experience.
* plus 2 points per member PVP win.
* minus 1 point per member PVP loss.
* Calculated every 24 hours automatically, and upon every approve/remove/leave.
* Displayed on the Guild List page.
- Added stats for your current items on the first Buy screen.
- You cannot create/join a guild until Level 10 to help prevent bank abuse.
- Added PVP logging - wins, losses, and highest lvl character killed.
- Hall of Fame now shows top 25 chars.
- Hall of Fame now uses stock mysql_fetch_array() instead of custom dorow().
- Items now have a 1 in 5 chance of having prefixes/suffixes (it used to be 50:50).
- Added email verification support.
***** BETA TWO *****
12.10.2005 - Build 12 (Eggs):
- Members can now leave the Guild without requiring an officer to demote them to zero.
- Rank 5 members can now edit/update Guild settings.
- # of Members is now set to 1 when a Guild is created, and updated correctly when an application is approved.
- The Guild founder is now notified via the Post Office when someone applies to join.
- Members can now arbitrarily deposit money to the Guild bank.
- You can no longer send guild money to yourself. Checks and balances, man!
- Fixed image format selection so that it actually works.
- Removed Language selection from account registration/settings.
12.02.2005 - Build 11 (Chopsticks):
- Added guilds/clans.
- Fixed bug with 0 or 1 shouts.
- Removed an unused table row from extended profile.
- Users can now select PNG or GIF formats for item/monster images in their Account Settings.
- Added $controlrow option to enable/disable item/monster images (setting up for the Premium/Standard versions).
- New set of item images in town (to replace the ones I stole from Diablo II).
- Items in town are now created based on min/max levels for the town, instead of the user's exact level.
- Greatly expanded the list of base items.
- Fighting now has chances for excellent hit (double damage) and monster dodging (zero damage).
***** BETA ONE *****
11.10.2005 - Build 10 (Fingers):
- Map image has now been replaced with a fully dynamic Flash movie to prevent cache issues.
- Babblebox now refreshes itself every 45 seconds.
11.07.2005 - Build 09 (Billiards):
- Fixed spell return bug that would cause SQL errors in PVP.
- Removed hard-coded avatar image sizes.
- Fixed the "death by 0hp monster" bug.
- Fixed reply bug in the Post Office.
- Post Office should now check for sent gold AND postage when calculating for the error message.
- Entering pvp.php and ending up in the dowait() function properly shows fightrow variables.
- Monsters no longer have magic defense. (This is for balance testing. Some monsters will still end up with some eventually.)
11.02.2005 - Build 08 (Magic):
- Spending level points now increments current hp/mp as well as max hp/mp.
- Improved error handling in users.php.
- Character creation screen now properly displays max avatar filesize.
- Challenging for duels is now moved to town.php, so that pvp.php can *never* run without a valid currentpvp number in $userrow.
- You no longer get stranded in the duel screen if the other player declines the challenge.
- You can no longer challenge yourself (or any other character on your account) to a duel.
- The "No" button on the Inn screen now works properly.
- Removed "jewel" slot from onlinechar, since jewels are not currently implemented.
- Shields and helmets now display properly in profile and onlinechar.
- $controlrow is now properly retrieved while a user is not logged in.
- Hall of Fame experience points are now run through number_format().
- Fixed addslashes_deep() to actually add slashes, instead of strip them.
10.24.2005 - Build 07 (Lucky):
- Increased error checking to prevent pvp.php from running without the proper variables in place.
- Closed up travel/map loophole that lets you jump to places without owning the map.
- Fixed a possible error in an empty Post Office outbox.
- All "Please go back and try again" error messages now link back to index.php.
- Avatar system changes:
* External avatars are no longer allowed.
* Max avatar size (bytes) is now a changeable controlrow variable.
* Uploading a new avatar now deletes your old one to save server space.
* File extensions are no longer case sensitive.
- Botcheck system changes:
* Closed up loophole that let you keep exploring without verifying the image text.
* Images are now generated with random filenames to prevent old images from showing up.
* Images are now deleted after successful verification.
10.22.2005 - Build 06 (Courtney):
- Added Spells.
- Added PVP.
- Various minor bugfixes/changes that I can't remember cuz I wasn't updating this as I went along.
- Intra-account money transfers are limited to 10% of the user's gold.
- Increased size of pop-up map.
***** ALPHA TWO *****
5.6.2005 - Build 05 (Lifesavers):
- Added live image map with town/player locations.
- Added Babblebox.
- Added Who's Online.
- Fixed improper table with for IE6.
- Moved the scrollable div tag into the primary template and out of the sub templates.
- Removed a possible infinite loop in the anti-macro function.
- Added "Return to [Town|Game]" links to the templates that were missing them.
- Fixed a problem with the Top 10 list if there was only one character in the game.
- Character names are (once again) limited to alphanumerics, to prevent annoying database issues. (Regex has been altered to allow spaces & hyphens, though.)
4.23.2005 - Build 04 (Golf):
- Added image-based compass navigation.
- Fights happen slightly less often now (1/5 rather than 1/4).
- Added anti-macro image verification for protection against space robots.
4.1.2005 - Build 03 (Holy Hand Grenade):
- Fixed problem that prevented users from registering.
- Fixed exploit in the Bank and Post Office that allowed users to withdraw/deposit/send negative numbers.
- Added God Mode cheat: index.php?do=iddqd
3.29.2005 - Build 02 (Loser):
- Characters are now separated from Accounts, to allow multiple chars (4) on one account.
- Added account settings (changing password/email/language).
- Increased security on POST/GET/COOKIE arrays.
- You can no longer send a Letter to yourself.
3.28.2005 - Build 01 (Binary):
- Fixed shield/helmet item slot number mixup.
- Fixed rounding problem when applying gold/exp bonuses.
- Fixed Level Points template problem.
- Added the Hall of Fame (Top 10 list).
- Added the Post Office (private messaging + money transfers).
3.25.2005 - Build 00 (MI5):
- Complete ground-up rewrite. Build numbers reset to 00. Everything is new again.
***** ALPHA ONE *****
8.2.2004 - Build 23 (johnny):
- Fixed bug that prevented people from buying items.
- Fixed URL cheat that allowed people to buy any item in the game.
- Fixed bug that could cause negative damage to monsters (ie. heal them).
7.30.2004 - Build 22 (catch):
- Removed dev site link from ?do=version.
- Added changelog link to ?do=version.
- Fixed URL cheat that allowed people to get healed for free.
- Fixed number_format for gold/exp on the charprofile screen.
7.28.2004 - Build 21 (beer):
- Fixed problem with having occasional monster hp values as decimals instead of integers.
- Language name values are now properly lowercased for storage.
- Added "Not Working Yet" messages for arena/onlinechar/help.
- Fixed a problem with the fight screen showing the wrong player lat/lon values.
- Fixed a problem with users getting stuck off edge of the map.
- Added language indexes for x_submit and x_reset.
7.19.2004 - Build 20 (pr0n):
- Initial public testing release.