07.28.2007 - Build 19 (Consolation Prize):
- Added "moddedby" column to controlrow. Will display next to normal
Scourge copyright.
- Added SigBot, which lets players display their character stats in
forum signature images.
- PVP fights now properly escape the opposing player's $userrow before
- Fixed misspellings of 'bonusdefense' in spells.php.
- Fixed error that occurred when you failed to select a spell slot when
adding new spells.
- Minor changes to err() output.
2.04.2006 - Build 13 (Unlucky):
- Dying now properly takes you back to the actual lat/lon of the world's
first town (rather than 0,0 every time).
- Added 160+ new monsters for the later realms.
- Buy Maps now correctly only shows available maps from the Realm you're
- Fixed some weirdness with the Travel To menu in the second Realm.
- Added storyline/quests.
- Added item drops from monsters.
- Monsters now have a chance to swing first, and to block you from
- Added Quick Heal to panel_bottom.
- Users who are already a member of a guild no longer see the "Apply to
Join" link on the Guild List page.
- Added Honor Points to guilds.
* plus 1 point per member.
* plus floored square root of total combined member experience.
* plus 2 points per member PVP win.
* minus 1 point per member PVP loss.
* Calculated every 24 hours automatically, and upon every
* Displayed on the Guild List page.
- Added stats for your current items on the first Buy screen.
- You cannot create/join a guild until Level 10 to help prevent bank
- Added PVP logging - wins, losses, and highest lvl character killed.
- Hall of Fame now shows top 25 chars.
- Hall of Fame now uses stock mysql_fetch_array() instead of custom
- Items now have a 1 in 5 chance of having prefixes/suffixes (it used to
be 50:50).
- Added email verification support.
12.10.2005 - Build 12 (Eggs):
- Members can now leave the Guild without requiring an officer to demote
them to zero.
- Rank 5 members can now edit/update Guild settings.
- # of Members is now set to 1 when a Guild is created, and updated
correctly when an application is approved.
- The Guild founder is now notified via the Post Office when someone
applies to join.
- Members can now arbitrarily deposit money to the Guild bank.
- You can no longer send guild money to yourself. Checks and balances,
- Fixed image format selection so that it actually works.
- Removed Language selection from account registration/settings.