09.03.2006 - Build 18 (Joe Camel):
- Fixed function redeclaration with Blessed Strike & Stone Skin spells.
- When you're all alone, you no longer have a little blue "undefined"
orb to keep you company.
- Changing worlds after a quest now gives you the world's starting town
to avoid panel errors.
- Minor optimization fix for item building.
- Unique items no longer drop with prefixes/suffixes, and you can no
longer buy unique items.
- Removed alphanumeric requirement for passwords.
- hpleech(monster) now properly accounts for difficulty multiplier when
checking against the monster's maxhp.
- Added Deposit/Withdraw All links to the Bank.
- Fixed PVP and Post office bugs related to the new doquery syntax.
- Fixed single-quote bugs in mymail().
- Removed verbiage from the levelup template that was no longer
- Fixed some more verbiage in the registration message that was also no
longer necessary.
- Added admin-definable cookie name and cookie domain to controlrow.
12.10.2005 - Build 12 (Eggs):
- Members can now leave the Guild without requiring an officer to demote
them to zero.
- Rank 5 members can now edit/update Guild settings.
- # of Members is now set to 1 when a Guild is created, and updated
correctly when an application is approved.
- The Guild founder is now notified via the Post Office when someone
applies to join.
- Members can now arbitrarily deposit money to the Guild bank.
- You can no longer send guild money to yourself. Checks and balances,
- Fixed image format selection so that it actually works.
- Removed Language selection from account registration/settings.