doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET currentpvp='0', currentaction='In Town', pvpwins = pvpwins + 1 $highest WHERE id='".$row["player1id"]."' LIMIT 1","users");
doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET currentpvp='0', currentaction='In Town', pvplosses = pvplosses + 1 WHERE id='".$row["player2id"]."' LIMIT 1","users");
doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET currentpvp='0', currentaction='In Town' WHERE id='".$row["player1id"]."' OR id='".$row["player2id"]."' LIMIT 2","users");
$query2=doquery("DELETE FROM {{table}} WHERE id='".$row["id"]."'","pvp");
$pagerow["content"]="The other player did not respond and this Duel has timed out. Thanks for playing.<br /><br />This window will refresh to the main screen in ".$controlrow["pvprefresh"]." seconds.";