64 lines
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64 lines
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<?php // fightmods.php :: functions for modifiers granted to you by items.
function hpleech($player) {
Description: A percentage of the final damage is given back to the player's HP.
Occurs: Per Turn.
Applies To: Player or Monster.
global $userrow, $fightrow, $monsterrow;
if ($player == "player") {
$userrow["currenthp"] += floor(($fightrow["playerphysdamage"]+$fightrow["playermagicdamage"]+$fightrow["playerfiredamage"]+$fightrow["playerlightdamage"]) * ($userrow["hpleech"]/100));
if ($userrow["currenthp"] > $userrow["maxhp"]) { $userrow["currenthp"] = $userrow["maxhp"]; }
} else {
$userrow["currentmonsterhp"] += floor(($fightrow["monsterphysdamage"]+$fightrow["monstermagicdamage"]+$fightrow["monsterfiredamage"]+$fightrow["monsterlightdamage"]) * ($monsterrow["hpleech"]/100));
if ($userrow["currentmonsterhp"] > $monsterrow["maxhp"]) { $userrow["currentmonsterhp"] = $monsterrow["maxhp"]; }
function mpleech() {
Description: A percentage of the final damage is given back to the player's MP.
Occurs: Per Turn.
Applies To: Player only.
global $userrow, $fightrow;
$userrow["currentmp"] += floor(($fightrow["playerphysdamage"]+$fightrow["playermagicdamage"]+$fightrow["playerfiredamage"]+$fightrow["playerlightdamage"]) * ($userrow["mpleech"]/100));
if ($userrow["currentmp"] > $userrow["maxmp"]) { $userrow["currentmp"] = $userrow["maxmp"]; }
function hpgain() {
Description: A fixed number is added to player's HP.
Occurs: Per Kill.
Applies To: Player only.
global $userrow, $fightrow;
$userrow["currenthp"] += $userrow["hpgain"];
if ($userrow["currenthp"] > $userrow["maxhp"]) { $userrow["currenthp"] = $userrow["maxhp"]; }
function mpgain() {
Description: A fixed number is added to player's MP.
Occurs: Per Kill.
Applies To: Player only.
global $userrow, $fightrow;
$userrow["currentmp"] += $userrow["mpgain"];
if ($userrow["currentmp"] > $userrow["maxmp"]) { $userrow["currentmp"] = $userrow["maxmp"]; }