
248 lines
12 KiB

require_once __DIR__ . '/database.php';
$starttime = getmicrotime();
$numqueries = 0;
$version = "1.1.11";
$build = "";
* Open/get SQLite database connection.
function db(): Database
return $GLOBALS['database'] ??= new Database(__DIR__ . '/database.db');
function gettemplate($templatename) { // SQL query for the template.
$filename = "templates/" . $templatename . ".php";
return $template;
function parsetemplate($template, $array) { // Replace template with proper content.
foreach($array as $a => $b) {
$template = str_replace("{{{$a}}}", $b, $template);
return $template;
function getmicrotime() { // Used for timing script operations.
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
function prettydate($uglydate) { // Change the MySQL date format (YYYY-MM-DD) into something friendlier.
return date("F j, Y", mktime(0,0,0,substr($uglydate, 5, 2),substr($uglydate, 8, 2),substr($uglydate, 0, 4)));
function prettyforumdate($uglydate) { // Change the MySQL date format (YYYY-MM-DD) into something friendlier.
return date("F j, Y", mktime(0,0,0,substr($uglydate, 5, 2),substr($uglydate, 8, 2),substr($uglydate, 0, 4)));
function is_email($email) { // Thanks to "mail(at)philipp-louis.de" from php.net!
function makesafe($d) {
$d = str_replace("\t","",$d);
$d = str_replace("<","&#60;",$d);
$d = str_replace(">","&#62;",$d);
$d = str_replace("\n","",$d);
$d = str_replace("|","??",$d);
$d = str_replace(" "," &nbsp;",$d);
return $d;
function admindisplay($content, $title) { // Finalize page and output to browser.
global $numqueries, $userrow, $controlrow, $starttime, $version, $build;
if (!isset($controlrow)) {
$query = db()->query('SELECT * FROM control WHERE id=1 LIMIT 1;');
$controlrow = $query->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC);
$page = parsetemplate(gettemplate("admin"), [
"totaltime"=>round(getmicrotime() - $starttime, 4),
echo "<html>\n" . $page;
function display($content, $title, $topnav=true, $leftnav=true, $rightnav=true, $badstart=false) { // Finalize page and output to browser.
global $numqueries, $userrow, $controlrow, $version, $build;
if (!isset($controlrow)) {
$query = db()->query('SELECT * FROM control WHERE id=1 LIMIT 1;');
$controlrow = $query->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC);
if ($badstart == false) { global $starttime; } else { $starttime = $badstart; }
if ($rightnav == true) { $rightnav = gettemplate("rightnav"); } else { $rightnav = ""; }
if ($leftnav == true) { $leftnav = gettemplate("leftnav"); } else { $leftnav = ""; }
if ($topnav == true) {
$topnav = "<a href=\"login.php?do=logout\"><img src=\"images/button_logout.gif\" alt=\"Log Out\" title=\"Log Out\" border=\"0\" /></a> <a href=\"help.php\"><img src=\"images/button_help.gif\" alt=\"Help\" title=\"Help\" border=\"0\" /></a>";
} else {
$topnav = "<a href=\"login.php?do=login\"><img src=\"images/button_login.gif\" alt=\"Log In\" title=\"Log In\" border=\"0\" /></a> <a href=\"users.php?do=register\"><img src=\"images/button_register.gif\" alt=\"Register\" title=\"Register\" border=\"0\" /></a> <a href=\"help.php\"><img src=\"images/button_help.gif\" alt=\"Help\" title=\"Help\" border=\"0\" /></a>";
if (isset($userrow)) {
// Get userrow again, in case something has been updated.
$userquery = db()->query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1;', [$userrow['id']]);
$userrow = $userquery->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC);
// Current town name.
if ($userrow["currentaction"] == "In Town") {
$townquery = db()->query('SELECT * FROM towns WHERE latitude = ? AND longitude = ? LIMIT 1;', [$userrow["latitude"], $userrow["longitude"]]);
$townrow = $townquery->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC);
$userrow["currenttown"] = "Welcome to <b>".$townrow["name"]."</b>.<br /><br />";
} else {
$userrow["currenttown"] = "";
if ($controlrow["forumtype"] == 0) { $userrow["forumslink"] = ""; }
elseif ($controlrow["forumtype"] == 1) { $userrow["forumslink"] = "<a href=\"forum.php\">Forum</a><br />"; }
elseif ($controlrow["forumtype"] == 2) { $userrow["forumslink"] = "<a href=\"".$controlrow["forumaddress"]."\">Forum</a><br />"; }
// Format various userrow stuffs...
if ($userrow["latitude"] < 0) { $userrow["latitude"] = $userrow["latitude"] * -1 . "S"; } else { $userrow["latitude"] .= "N"; }
if ($userrow["longitude"] < 0) { $userrow["longitude"] = $userrow["longitude"] * -1 . "W"; } else { $userrow["longitude"] .= "E"; }
$userrow["experience"] = number_format($userrow["experience"]);
$userrow["gold"] = number_format($userrow["gold"]);
if ($userrow["authlevel"] == 1) { $userrow["adminlink"] = "<a href=\"admin.php\">Admin</a><br />"; } else { $userrow["adminlink"] = ""; }
// HP/MP/TP bars.
$stathp = ceil($userrow["currenthp"] / $userrow["maxhp"] * 100);
if ($userrow["maxmp"] != 0) { $statmp = ceil($userrow["currentmp"] / $userrow["maxmp"] * 100); } else { $statmp = 0; }
$stattp = ceil($userrow["currenttp"] / $userrow["maxtp"] * 100);
$stattable = "<table width=\"100\"><tr><td width=\"33%\">\n";
$stattable .= "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td style=\"padding:0px; width:15px; height:100px; border:solid 1px black; vertical-align:bottom;\">\n";
if ($stathp >= 66) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; height:".$stathp."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_green.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_green.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
if ($stathp < 66 && $stathp >= 33) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; height:".$stathp."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_yellow.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_yellow.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
if ($stathp < 33) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; height:".$stathp."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_red.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_red.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
$stattable .= "</td></tr></table></td><td width=\"33%\">\n";
$stattable .= "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td style=\"padding:0px; width:15px; height:100px; border:solid 1px black; vertical-align:bottom;\">\n";
if ($statmp >= 66) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; height:".$statmp."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_green.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_green.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
if ($statmp < 66 && $statmp >= 33) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; height:".$statmp."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_yellow.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_yellow.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
if ($statmp < 33) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; height:".$statmp."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_red.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_red.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
$stattable .= "</td></tr></table></td><td width=\"33%\">\n";
$stattable .= "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td style=\"padding:0px; width:15px; height:100px; border:solid 1px black; vertical-align:bottom;\">\n";
if ($stattp >= 66) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; height:".$stattp."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_green.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_green.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
if ($stattp < 66 && $stattp >= 33) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; height:".$stattp."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_yellow.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_yellow.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
if ($stattp < 33) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; height:".$stattp."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_red.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_red.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
$stattable .= "</td></tr></table></td>\n";
$stattable .= "</tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>MP</td><td>TP</td></tr></table>\n";
$userrow["statbars"] = $stattable;
// Now make numbers stand out if they're low.
if ($userrow["currenthp"] <= ($userrow["maxhp"]/5)) { $userrow["currenthp"] = "<blink><span class=\"highlight\"><b>*".$userrow["currenthp"]."*</b></span></blink>"; }
if ($userrow["currentmp"] <= ($userrow["maxmp"]/5)) { $userrow["currentmp"] = "<blink><span class=\"highlight\"><b>*".$userrow["currentmp"]."*</b></span></blink>"; }
$spellquery = db()->query('SELECT id, name, type FROM spells;');
$userspells = explode(",",$userrow["spells"]);
$userrow["magiclist"] = "";
foreach ($spellquery->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC) as $spellrow) {
$spell = false;
foreach($userspells as $a => $b) {
if ($b == $spellrow["id"] && $spellrow["type"] == 1) { $spell = true; }
if ($spell == true) {
$userrow["magiclist"] .= "<a href=\"index.php?do=spell:".$spellrow["id"]."\">".$spellrow["name"]."</a><br />";
if ($userrow["magiclist"] == "") { $userrow["magiclist"] = "None"; }
// Travel To list.
$townslist = explode(",",$userrow["towns"]);
$townquery2 = db()->query('SELECT * FROM towns ORDER BY id;');
$userrow["townslist"] = "";
foreach ($townquery2->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC) as $townrow2) {
$town = false;
foreach($townslist as $a => $b) {
if ($b == $townrow2["id"]) { $town = true; }
if ($town == true) {
$userrow["townslist"] .= "<a href=\"index.php?do=gotown:".$townrow2["id"]."\">".$townrow2["name"]."</a><br />\n";
} else {
$userrow = [];
$page = parsetemplate(gettemplate("primary"), [
"totaltime"=>round(microtime(true) - $starttime, 4),
echo "<html>\n" . $page;
function checkcookies()
$row = false;
if (isset($_COOKIE["dkgame"])) {
$theuser = explode(" ",$_COOKIE["dkgame"]);
$query = db()->query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?, username = ?, password = ? LIMIT 1;', [$theuser[0], $theuser[1], $theuser[2]]);
if ($query === false) {
set_cookie('dkgame', '', -3600);
die("Invalid cookie data. Please log in again.");
$row = $query->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC);
set_cookie('dkgame', implode(" ", $theuser), (int) $theuser[3] === 1 ? time() + 31536000 : 0);
db()->exec('UPDATE users SET onlinetime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1;', [$theuser[0]]);
return $row;
* Set a cookie with secure and HTTP-only flags.
function set_cookie($name, $value, $expires)
setcookie($name, $value, [
'expires' => $expires,
'path' => '/',
'domain' => '', // Defaults to the current domain
'secure' => true, // Ensure the cookie is only sent over HTTPS
'httponly' => true, // Prevent access to cookie via JavaScript
'samesite' => 'Strict' // Enforce SameSite=Strict