Dragon Knight Installation: Page One
NOTE: Please ensure you have filled in the correct values in config.php before continuing. Installation will fail if these values are not correct. Also, the MySQL database needs to already exist. This installer script will take care of setting up its structure and content, but the database itself must already exist on your MySQL server before the installer will work.
Installation for Dragon Knight is a simple two-step process: set up the database tables, then create the admin user. After that, you're done.
You have two options for database setup: complete or partial.
Complete Setup includes table structure and all default data (items, drops, monsters, levels, spells, towns) - after complete setup, the game is totally ready to run.
Partial Setup only creates the table structure, it does not populate the tables - use this if you are going to be creating and importing your own customized game data later.
Click the appropriate button below for your preferred installation method.