Dragon Knight Installation: Page One

NOTE: Please ensure you have filled in the correct values in config.php before continuing. Installation will fail if these values are not correct. Also, the MySQL database needs to already exist. This installer script will take care of setting up its structure and content, but the database itself must already exist on your MySQL server before the installer will work.

Installation for Dragon Knight is a simple two-step process: set up the database tables, then create the admin user. After that, you're done.

You have two options for database setup: complete or partial. Click the appropriate button below for your preferred installation method.

- OR -
END; echo $page; die(); } function second() { // Second page - set up the database tables. global $dbsettings; echo "Dragon Knight InstallationDragon Knight Installation: Page Two

"; $prefix = $dbsettings["prefix"]; $babble = $prefix . "_babble"; $control = $prefix . "_control"; $drops = $prefix . "_drops"; $forum = $prefix . "_forum"; $items = $prefix . "_items"; $levels = $prefix . "_levels"; $monsters = $prefix . "_monsters"; $news = $prefix . "_news"; $spells = $prefix . "_spells"; $towns = $prefix . "_towns"; $users = $prefix . "_users"; if (isset($_POST["complete"])) { $full = true; } else { $full = false; } $query = <<"; } else { echo "Error creating Babble Box table."; } unset($query); $query = <<"; } else { echo "Error creating Control table."; } unset($query); $query = <<"; } else { echo "Error populating Control table."; } unset($query); $query = <<"; } else { echo "Error creating Drops table."; } unset($query); if ($full == true) { $query = <<"; } else { echo "Error populating Drops table."; } unset($query); } $query = <<"; } else { echo "Error creating Forum table."; } unset($query); $query = <<"; } else { echo "Error creating Items table."; } unset($query); if ($full == true) { $query = <<"; } else { echo "Error populating Items table."; } unset($query); } $query = <<"; } else { echo "Error creating Levels table."; } unset($query); if ($full == true) { $query = <<"; } else { echo "Error populating Levels table."; } unset($query); } $query = <<"; } else { echo "Error creating Monsters table."; } unset($query); if ($full == true) { $query = <<"; } else { echo "Error populating Monsters table."; } unset($query); } $query = <<"; } else { echo "Error creating News table."; } unset($query); $query = <<"; } else { echo "Error populating News table."; } unset($query); $query = <<"; } else { echo "Error creating Spells table."; } unset($query); if ($full == true) { $query = <<"; } else { echo "Error populating Spells table."; } unset($query); } $query = <<"; } else { echo "Error creating Towns table."; } unset($query); if ($full == true) { $query = <<"; } else { echo "Error populating Towns table."; } unset($query); } $query = <<"; } else { echo "Error creating Users table."; } unset($query); global $start; $time = round((getmicrotime() - $start), 4); echo "
Database setup complete in $time seconds.

Click here to continue with installation."; die(); } function third() { // Third page: gather user info for admin account. $page = << Dragon Knight Installation Dragon Knight Installation: Page Three

Now you must create an administrator account so you can use the control panel. Fill out the form below to create your account. You will be able to customize the class names through the control panel once your admin account is created.


Verify Password:

Email Address:
Verify Email:

Character Name:
Character Class:
END; echo $page; die(); } function fourth() { // Final page: insert new user row, congratulate the person on a job well done. extract($_POST); if (!isset($username)) { die("Username is required."); } if (!isset($password1)) { die("Password is required."); } if (!isset($password2)) { die("Verify Password is required."); } if ($password1 != $password2) { die("Passwords don't match."); } if (!isset($email1)) { die("Email is required."); } if (!isset($email2)) { die("Verify Email is required."); } if ($email1 != $email2) { die("Emails don't match."); } if (!isset($charname)) { die("Character Name is required."); } $password = md5($password1); global $dbsettings; $users = $dbsettings["prefix"] . "_users"; $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO $users SET id='1',username='$username',password='$password',email='$email1',verify='1',charname='$charname',regdate=NOW(),onlinetime=NOW(),authlevel='1'") or die(mysql_error()); $page = << Dragon Knight Installation Dragon Knight Installation: Page Four

Your admin account was created successfully. Installation is complete.

Be sure to delete install.php from your Dragon Knight directory for security purposes.

You are now ready to play the game. Note that you must log in through the public section before being allowed into the control panel. Once logged in, an "Admin" link will appear in the Functions box of the left sidebar panel.

Thank you for using Dragon Knight!


Optional: Dragon Knight is a free product, and does not require registration of any sort. However, there is an optional "call home" function in the installer, which notifies the author of your game installation. The ONLY information transmitted with this function is the URL to your game. This is included mainly to satisfy the author's curiosity about how many copies of the game are being installed and used. If you choose to submit your URL to the author, please click here. END; echo $page; die(); } function fifth() { // Call Home function. $url = "http://".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; if (mail("jamin@se7enet.com", "Dragon Knight Call Home", "$url") != true) { die("Dragon Knight was unable to send your URL. Please go back and try again, or just continue on to the game."); } $page = << Dragon Knight Installation Dragon Knight Installation: Page Five

Thank you for submitting your URL!

You are now ready to play the game. Note that you must log in through the public section before being allowed into the control panel. Once logged in, an "Admin" link will appear in the Functions box of the left sidebar panel. END; echo $page; die(); } ?>