2017-02-05 11:01:23 -06:00
<?php // cookies.php :: Handles cookies. (Mmm, tasty!)
function checkcookies() {
$row = false;
if (isset($_COOKIE["dkgame"])) {
$theuser = explode(" ",$_COOKIE["dkgame"]);
$query = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE username='$theuser[1]'", "users");
if (mysql_num_rows($query) != 1) { die("Invalid cookie data (Error 1). Please clear cookies and log in again."); }
$row = mysql_fetch_array($query);
if ($row["id"] != $theuser[0]) { die("Invalid cookie data (Error 2). Please clear cookies and log in again."); }
2017-02-05 11:10:15 -06:00
if (md5($row["password"] . "--" . $dbsettings["secretword"]) !== $theuser[2]) { die("Invalid cookie data (Error 3). Please clear cookies and log in again."); }
2017-02-05 11:01:23 -06:00
// If we've gotten this far, cookie should be valid, so write a new one.
$newcookie = implode(" ",$theuser);
if ($theuser[3] == 1) { $expiretime = time()+31536000; } else { $expiretime = 0; }
setcookie ("dkgame", $newcookie, $expiretime, "/", "", 0);
$onlinequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET onlinetime=NOW() WHERE id='$theuser[0]' LIMIT 1", "users");
return $row;