if($spell!==true)returndisplay("You have not yet learned this spell. Please go back and try again.","Error");
if($spellrow["type"]!=1)returndisplay("This is not a healing spell. Please go back and try again.","Error");
if($userrow["currentmp"]<$spellrow["mp"])returndisplay("You do not have enough Magic Points to cast this spell. Please go back and try again.","Error");
if($userrow["currentaction"]=="Fighting")returndisplay("You cannot use the Quick Spells list during a fight. Please go back and select the Healing Spell you wish to use from the Spells box on the main fighting screen to continue.","Error");
if($userrow["currenthp"]==$userrow["maxhp"])returndisplay("Your Hit Points are already full. You don't need to use a Healing spell now.","Error");
returndisplay("You have cast the ".$spellrow["name"]." spell, and gained ".$spellrow["attribute"]." Hit Points. You can now continue <a href=\"/\">exploring</a>.","Healing Spell");