2017-02-05 10:49:37 -06:00
<?php // config.php :: Low-level app/database variables.
$dbsettings = Array(
"server" => "localhost", // MySQL server name. (Default: localhost)
"user" => "", // MySQL username.
"pass" => "", // MySQL password.
"name" => "", // MySQL database name.
"prefix" => "dk", // Prefix for table names. (Default: dk)
"secretword" => ""); // Secret word used when hashing information for cookies.
// These are used for display purposes only. Technically you could change them, but it's not going to
// do anything special. And I'd prefer if you didn't, just to keep things all nice and standardized.
2017-02-05 10:57:01 -06:00
$version = "1.0.4";
2017-02-05 10:49:37 -06:00
$build = "";