Please be aware that for this router you need a basic understanding of PHP. Many problems stem from people lacking basic programming knowledge. You should therefore have the following skills:
* Basic PHP Knowledge
* Basic understanding of RegExp in PHP:
* Basic understanding of anonymous functions and how to push data inside it:
* Basic understanding of including and requiring files and how to push data to them:
* Windows Only - Setup IIS and PHP:
* Windows Only - Creating Websites in IIS:
Please note that we are happy to help you if you have problems with this router. Unfortunately, we don't have a lot of time, so we can't help you learn PHP basics.
With IIS now fully supporting PHP, this example can be run using the included web.config. The web.config has a rewrite rule, similar to the .htaccess rewrite rule, but specifically for IIS. The rewrite rule will send all incoming requests to index.php in your root. The rest is done by the simple php router.
_This setup tutorial assumes you have the knowledge to create sites in IIS and set up bindings for http/https and custom DNS. If you need more information, this [article]( will help you with that part._
1. If you haven't done so yet, install php on windows. This article [Install IIS and PHP | Microsoft Docs ]( will guide you to install the required php dependencies on your windows machine.
2. In IIS Manager, create a site and point the physical location to root of the simplePHPRouter folder. It is recommended you connect to the the physical location with an account that has "Read/Write" rights to that folder.