CANTTOUCH; die($page); } class Project { /* -- User info variables; used for the functions here -- */ private $ID; private $Type; private $Desc; private $Title; private $Cover; private $LastUpdate; /* -- User class constructor -- */ public function __construct($id) { $this->ID = $id; $this->getProject($id); } /* -- Used in the constructor to access the DB and get all the user's info and populate the variables -- */ private function getProject($id) { // Open database connection $db = new DatabaseModule(); // Get user information from the DB $getProject = $db->Handle->prepare('SELECT * FROM ms_projects WHERE id = :id'); $getProject->bindValue(':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT); // bind $id to the placeholder $getProject->execute(); $ProjectInfo = $getProject->fetch(); // get the results from the query $getProject->closeCursor(); // close the SELECT query from continuing its search // Populate the variables $this->ID = $ProjectInfo["id"]; $this->Type = $ProjectInfo["type"]; $this->Desc = $ProjectInfo["desc"]; $this->Title = $ProjectInfo["title"]; $this->Cover = $ProjectInfo["cover"]; $this->lastUpdate = betterDate($ProjectInfo["lastUpdate"]); } /* -- Returns whatever info needed at the moment -- */ public function __get($what) { if(property_exists($this, $what)) { return $this->{$what}; } else { return null; } } /* -- Updates a value in the DB belonging to the user -- */ public function update($what) { } } ?>