

Name Color:
HTML color code used to display the name of your Guild, and the names of each member.
(Click here for a list of color codes.)

Tagline Color:
HTML color code used to display your Guild's tagline.
(Click here for a list of color codes.)

Cost to Join:
How much gold it will cost for a member to join your guild.

Rank 1 Title:
Lowest ranking Guild member's title.

Rank 2 Title:
2nd ranking Guild member's title.

Rank 3 Title:
3rd ranking Guild member's title.

Rank 4 Title:
4th ranking Guild member's title. These are sub-leaders for your Guild.

Rank 5 Title:
Highest ranking Guild member's title. This will be your title, as well as any other member you promote to this rank.

Opening Statement
Your Guild's introduction statement or creed.
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