$b) {
$townstring .= "id='$b' OR ";
$townstring = rtrim($townstring, " OR ");
$townstring .= ") AND world='".$userrow["world"]."'";
// Then we do the query.
$traveltoquery = doquery("SELECT id,name FROM {{table}} WHERE $townstring ORDER BY id", "towns");
$traveltorow = dorow($traveltoquery);
// Finally we build the link list.
if ($userrow["townslist"] != "0,1") { // Multiple towns means multiple arrays.
foreach($traveltorow as $c=>$d) {
$row["travelto"] .= "".$d["name"]."
} else { // One town means one array.
$row["travelto"] .= "".$traveltorow["name"]."
// And then we're done with this panel.
return parsetemplate(gettemplate("panels_left"), $row);
function panelright() {
global $controlrow;
$row["babblebox"] = "";
$row["whosonline"] = "";
// Babblebox.
if ($controlrow["showshout"] == 1) {
$row["babblebox"] = "
$row["babblebox"] .= "";
// Who's Online.
if ($controlrow["showonline"] == 1) {
$row["whosonline"] = "Who's Online
$users = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(onlinetime) >= '".(time()-600)."'", "users");
$number = mysql_num_rows($users);
$row["whosonline"] .= "There are $number user(s) online within the last 10 minutes: ";
while($b = mysql_fetch_array($users)) {
if ($b["guild"] != 0) {
$charname = "[".$b["guildtag"]."]".$b["charname"]."";
} else {
$charname = $b["charname"];
$row["whosonline"] .= "$charname, ";
$row["whosonline"] = rtrim($row["whosonline"], ", ");
// And then we're done with this panel.
return parsetemplate(gettemplate("panels_right"), $row);
function paneltop($loggedin = true) {
global $acctrow, $userrow;
if ($loggedin == true || isset($acctrow)) {
if ($userrow == false) { $userrow["charname"] = "No Characters Yet"; }
if ($acctrow["authlevel"] == 2) { $admin = " (Admin)"; } else { $admin = ""; }
if ($userrow["guild"] != 0) {
$charname = "[".$userrow["guildtag"]."]".$userrow["charname"]."";
} else {
$charname = $userrow["charname"];
$top = "\n";
} else {
$top = "\n";
return $top;
function panelbottom() {
global $userrow;
$row = array();
if ($userrow["charpicture"] != "") {
$row["charpicture"] = $userrow["charpicture"];
} else {
$row["charpicture"] = "images/users/nopicture.gif";
$row["level"] = $userrow["level"];
if ($userrow["levelup"] > 0) { $row["levelup"] = "(".$userrow["levelup"]." LP)"; } else { $row["levelup"] = ""; }
if ($userrow["levelspell"] > 0) { $row["levelspell"] = "(".$userrow["levelspell"]." SP)"; } else { $row["levelspell"] = ""; }
$row["experience"] = number_format($userrow["experience"]);
$row["gold"] = number_format($userrow["gold"]);
$row["weapon"] = $userrow["item1name"];
$row["armor"] = $userrow["item2name"];
$row["helmet"] = $userrow["item3name"];
$row["shield"] = $userrow["item4name"];
$row["hpbar"] = statusbars("hp", $userrow["currenthp"], $userrow["maxhp"]);
$row["mpbar"] = statusbars("mp", $userrow["currentmp"], $userrow["maxmp"]);
$row["tpbar"] = statusbars("tp", $userrow["currenttp"], $userrow["maxtp"]);
return parsetemplate(gettemplate("panels_bottom"),$row);
function panelmiddle() {
global $userrow, $townrow, $worldrow;
return gettemplate("panels_middle");
function statusbars($stat, $current, $max) {
$row = array();
switch ($stat) {
case "hp":
$row["bigname"] = "Hit Points";
$row["littlename"] = "HP";
case "mp":
$row["bigname"] = "Magic Points";
$row["littlename"] = "MP";
case "tp":
$row["bigname"] = "Travel Points";
$row["littlename"] = "TP";
case "exp":
$row["bigname"] = "Experience";
$row["littlename"] = "Exp";
$row["width"] = ceil(($current / $max) * 100);
if ($row["width"] >= 66) { $row["color"] = "green"; }
if ($row["width"] < 66 && $row["width"] >= 33) { $row["color"] = "yellow"; }
if ($row["width"] < 33) { $row["color"] = "red"; }
$row["current"] = $current;
$row["max"] = $max;
return parsetemplate(gettemplate("statusbars"),$row);