> WHERE id='".$userrow["story"]."' LIMIT 1")); // Decide which type of story to run. if ($story["targetmonster"] != "0") { storymonster(); } if ($story["targetitem"] != "") { storyitem(); } storyteleport(); function storyteleport() { // Sends to a new location, or just displays a chunk of the story with no associated action. global $userrow, $story; if (isset($_POST["submit"])) { if ($story["nextstory"] != "0") { $nextstory = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <> WHERE id='".$story["nextstory"]."' LIMIT 1")); $userrow["story"] = $nextstory["id"]; $userrow["storylat"] = $nextstory["latitude"]; $userrow["storylon"] = $nextstory["longitude"]; } if ($story["targetworld"] != "0") { $userrow["world"] = $story["targetworld"]; $userrow["latitude"] = $story["targetlat"]; $userrow["longitude"] = $story["targetlon"]; // Get first town from new world. $newtown = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <> WHERE world='".$userrow["world"]."' ORDER BY id LIMIT 1")); $towns = explode(",",$userrow["townslist"]); $towns[] = $newtown["id"]; $userrow["townslist"] = implode(",",$towns); } if ($story["targetaction"] != "") { $userrow["currentaction"] = $story["targetaction"]; } if ($story["rewardname"] != "") { $userrow[$story["rewardname"]] += $story["rewardattr"]; } updateuserrow(); die(header("Location: index.php")); } $story["reward"] = ""; if ($story["rewardname"] != "") { $premodrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <> ORDER BY id")); foreach($premodrow as $a=>$b) { $modrow[$b["fieldname"]] = $b; } $story["reward"] .= "
You've gained a permanent reward from this quest:
"; $story["reward"] .= $modrow[$story["rewardname"]]["prettyname"] . ": +" . $story["rewardattr"]; if ($modrow[$story["rewardname"]]["percent"] == 1) { $story["reward"] .= "%"; } $story["reward"] .= "
This reward will be applied when you continue on your adventure."; } $story["story"] = nl2br($story["story"]); display($story["title"], parsetemplate(gettemplate("story_teleport"), $story)); } function storymonster() { global $userrow, $story; if (isset($_POST["submit"])) { $monster = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <> WHERE id='".$story["targetmonster"]."' LIMIT 1")); $querystring = "currentmonsterid='".$monster["id"]."', currentmonsterhp='".(ceil(rand($monster["maxhp"] * .75, $monster["maxhp"]) * $userrow["difficulty"]))."', currentaction='Fighting'"; $update = doquery("UPDATE <> SET $querystring WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1"); die(header("Location: fight.php")); } $story["story"] = nl2br($story["story"]); display($story["title"], parsetemplate(gettemplate("story_monster"), $story)); } function storyitem() { global $userrow, $story; $modrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <> ORDER BY id"), "fieldname"); $thenewitem = explode(",",$story["targetitem"]); $newitem = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <> WHERE id='".$thenewitem[1]."' LIMIT 1")); $newprefix = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <> WHERE id='".$thenewitem[0]."' LIMIT 1")); $newsuffix = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <> WHERE id='".$thenewitem[2]."' LIMIT 1")); $newfullitem = builditem($newprefix, $newitem, $newsuffix, $modrow); $story["itemtable"] = parsetemplate(gettemplate("explore_drop_itemrow"), $newfullitem); if ($userrow["item".$newitem["slotnumber"]."idstring"] != "0") { $theolditem = explode(",",$userrow["item".$newitem["slotnumber"]."idstring"]); $olditem = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <> WHERE id='".$theolditem[1]."' LIMIT 1")); $oldprefix = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <> WHERE id='".$theolditem[0]."' LIMIT 1")); $oldsuffix = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <> WHERE id='".$theolditem[2]."' LIMIT 1")); $oldfullitem = builditem($oldprefix, $olditem, $oldsuffix, $modrow); $story["olditems"] = parsetemplate(gettemplate("town_buy_olditemrow"), $oldfullitem); } else { $oldfullitem = false; $oldprefix = false; $oldsuffix = false; $story["olditems"] = "You don't have any item in this slot."; } if (isset($_POST["takeitem"])) { // Requirements check. if ($newfullitem["requirements"] == false) { err("You do not meet one or more of the requirements for this item. Please go back and try again."); } // Now do stuff to userrow (new item only). $userrow["item" . $newfullitem["slotnumber"] . "idstring"] = $newfullitem["fullid"]; $userrow["item" . $newfullitem["slotnumber"] . "name"] = $newfullitem["name"]; $userrow[$newfullitem["basename"]] += $newfullitem["baseattr"]; for($j=1; $j<7; $j++) { if ($newfullitem["mod".$j."name"] != "") { $userrow[$newfullitem["mod".$j."name"]] += $newfullitem["mod".$j."attr"]; } } if ($newprefix != false) { $userrow[$newprefix["basename"]] += $newprefix["baseattr"]; } if ($newsuffix != false) { $userrow[$newsuffix["basename"]] += $newsuffix["baseattr"]; } // Do more stuff to userrow (old item only). if ($oldfullitem != false) { $userrow[$oldfullitem["basename"]] -= $oldfullitem["baseattr"]; for($j=1; $j<7; $j++) { if ($oldfullitem["mod".$j."name"] != "") { $userrow[$oldfullitem["mod".$j."name"]] -= $oldfullitem["mod".$j."attr"]; } } if ($oldprefix != false) { $userrow[$oldprefix["basename"]] -= $oldprefix["baseattr"]; } if ($oldsuffix != false) { $userrow[$oldsuffix["basename"]] -= $oldsuffix["baseattr"]; } } if ($story["nextstory"] != "0") { $nextstory = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <> WHERE id='".$story["nextstory"]."' LIMIT 1")); $userrow["story"] = $nextstory["id"]; $userrow["storylat"] = $nextstory["latitude"]; $userrow["storylon"] = $nextstory["longitude"]; } if ($story["targetworld"] != "0") { $userrow["world"] = $story["targetworld"]; $userrow["latitude"] = $story["targetlat"]; $userrow["longitude"] = $story["targetlon"]; // Get first town from new world. $newtown = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <> WHERE world='".$userrow["world"]."' ORDER BY id LIMIT 1")); $towns = explode(",",$userrow["townslist"]); $towns[] = $newtown["id"]; $userrow["townslist"] = implode(",",$towns); } if ($story["targetaction"] != "") { $userrow["currentaction"] = $story["targetaction"]; } if ($story["rewardname"] != "") { $userrow[$story["rewardname"]] += $story["rewardattr"]; } updateuserrow(); die(header("Location: index.php")); } if (isset($_POST["noitem"])) { if ($story["nextstory"] != "0") { $nextstory = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <> WHERE id='".$story["nextstory"]."' LIMIT 1")); $userrow["story"] = $nextstory["id"]; $userrow["storylat"] = $nextstory["latitude"]; $userrow["storylon"] = $nextstory["longitude"]; } if ($story["targetworld"] != "0") { $userrow["world"] = $story["targetworld"]; $userrow["latitude"] = $story["targetlat"]; $userrow["longitude"] = $story["targetlon"]; // Get first town from new world. $newtown = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <> WHERE world='".$userrow["world"]."' ORDER BY id LIMIT 1")); $towns = explode(",",$userrow["townslist"]); $towns[] = $newtown["id"]; $userrow["townslist"] = implode(",",$towns); } if ($story["targetaction"] != "") { $userrow["currentaction"] = $story["targetaction"]; } if ($story["rewardname"] != "") { $userrow[$story["rewardname"]] += $story["rewardattr"]; } updateuserrow(); die(header("Location: index.php")); } $story["reward"] = ""; if ($story["rewardname"] != "") { $premodrow = dorow(doquery("SELECT * FROM <> ORDER BY id")); foreach($premodrow as $a=>$b) { $modrow[$b["fieldname"]] = $b; } $story["reward"] .= "
You've gained a permanent reward from this quest:
"; $story["reward"] .= $modrow[$story["rewardname"]]["prettyname"] . ": +" . $story["rewardattr"]; if ($modrow[$story["rewardname"]]["percent"] == 1) { $story["reward"] .= "%"; } $story["reward"] .= "
This reward will be applied when you continue on your adventure."; } $story["story"] = nl2br($story["story"]); display($story["title"], parsetemplate(gettemplate("story_item"), $story)); } ?>