Main Settings

These options control several major settings for the game engine.

Note that these particular settings are written to the .env file in the root directory, and not the database.

Game Open:
Close the game if you are upgrading or working on settings and don't want to cause odd errors for end-users. Closing the game will completely halt all activity.
Game Name:
Change this if you want to change to call your game something different.
Game URL:
Please specify the full URL to your game installation (""). This gets used in the registration email sent to users. If you leave this field blank or incorrect, users may not be able to register correctly.
Admin Email:
Please specify your email address. This gets used when the game has to send an email to users.
Map Size:
Default is 250. This is the size of each map quadrant. Note that monster levels increase every 5 spaces, so you should ensure that you have at least (map size / 5) monster levels total, otherwise there will be parts of the map without any monsters, or some monsters won't ever get used. Ex: with a map size of 250, you should have 50 monster levels total.
Email Verification:
Make users verify their email address for added security.
Show News:
Toggle display of the Latest News box in towns.
Show Who's Online:
Toggle display of the Who's Online box in towns.
Show Babblebox:
Toggle display of the Babble Box in towns.
Class 1 Name:
Class 2 Name:
Class 3 Name: