# Changelog This log contains all the notable changes to the codebase as they are done. This is done for historical and reference purposes. ## Update The Update has not been merged into `master` yet, but it will be. In the meantime, `old` will remain an untouched archive of DK as it was left by Jamin. These are the documented changes to DK for "The Update"! ### Added - New database wrapper! Allows easy access to the database, which itself has been changed (see changed notes). Can CRUD with a simple interface. - New render method! Uses an output buffer and `extract()` to safely render templates and allows us to use pure PHP for templating... which we *were* doing before, but now it's even better! - New background image; this one is small, but the old garrish yellow background has been replaced with a smooth white/gray background. The plan is to add a theme toggle later to use the retro look on demand. ### Changed - The directory structure has been updated; public-facing assets and pages are now in `public/`. Pages, like install, fight, help, etc, now use a form of file-based routing. CSS and images are also in this folder. All server code has been moved to `server/` where it is safe and unviewable on a properly configured web server. - We're no longer using MySQL as the database! This was done for ease of install and operation; SQLite is plenty performant for Dragon Knight and makes it trivial to spin up new instances. The database is contained in `server/database/` as the file `dragon.db`. WAL mode is enabled, so you may see a couple extra files but this is expected. - `lib.php` renamed to `server/library.php` - The installer has been totally rewritten using the new database wrapper and a handful of new library functions.