You may return to town, or use the direction buttons on the left to start exploring.", "Inn"); die(); } if (isset($_POST["submit"])) { $newgold = $userrow["gold"] - $townrow["innprice"]; $query = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET gold='$newgold',currenthp='".$userrow["maxhp"]."',currentmp='".$userrow["maxmp"]."',currenttp='".$userrow["maxtp"]."' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); $title = "Inn"; $page = "You wake up feeling refreshed and ready for action.

You may return to town, or use the direction buttons on the left to start exploring."; } elseif (isset($_POST["cancel"])) { header("Location: index.php"); die(); } else { $title = "Inn"; $page = "Resting at the inn will refill your current HP, MP, and TP to their maximum levels.

\n"; $page .= "A night's sleep at this Inn will cost you " . $townrow["innprice"] . " gold. Is that ok?

\n"; $page .= "
\n"; $page .= " \n"; $page .= "
\n"; } display($page, $title); } function buy() { // Displays a list of available items for purchase. global $userrow, $numqueries; $townquery = doquery("SELECT name,itemslist FROM {{table}} WHERE latitude='".$userrow["latitude"]."' AND longitude='".$userrow["longitude"]."' LIMIT 1", "towns"); $townrow = mysql_fetch_array($townquery); $itemslist = explode(",",$townrow["itemslist"]); $querystring = ""; foreach($itemslist as $a=>$b) { $querystring .= "id='$b' OR "; } $querystring = rtrim($querystring, " OR "); $itemsquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE $querystring ORDER BY id", "items"); $page = "Buying weapons will increase your Attack Power. Buying armor and shields will increase your Defense Power.

Click an item name to purchase it.

The following items are available at this town:

\n"; $page .= "\n"; while ($itemsrow = mysql_fetch_array($itemsquery)) { if ($itemsrow["type"] == 1) { $attrib = "Attack Power:"; } else { $attrib = "Defense Power:"; } $page .= ""; } if ($itemsrow["type"] == 2) { $page .= "\"armor\""; } if ($itemsrow["type"] == 3) { $page .= "\"shield\""; } if ($userrow["weaponid"] == $itemsrow["id"] || $userrow["armorid"] == $itemsrow["id"] || $userrow["shieldid"] == $itemsrow["id"]) { $page .= "\n"; } else { if ($itemsrow["special"] != "X") { $specialdot = "*"; } else { $specialdot = ""; } $page .= "\n"; } } $page .= "
"; if ($itemsrow["type"] == 1) { $page .= "\"weapon\"".$itemsrow["name"]."$attrib ".$itemsrow["attribute"]."Already purchased
".$itemsrow["name"]."$specialdot$attrib ".$itemsrow["attribute"]."Price: ".$itemsrow["buycost"]." gold

\n"; $page .= "If you've changed your mind, you may also return back to town.\n"; $title = "Buy Items"; display($page, $title); } function buy2($id) { // Confirm user's intent to purchase item. global $userrow, $numqueries; $itemsquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1", "items"); $itemsrow = mysql_fetch_array($itemsquery); if ($userrow["gold"] < $itemsrow["buycost"]) { display("You do not have enough gold to buy this item.

You may return to town, store, or use the direction buttons on the left to start exploring.", "Buy Items"); die(); } if ($itemsrow["type"] == 1) { if ($userrow["weaponid"] != 0) { $itemsquery2 = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='".$userrow["weaponid"]."' LIMIT 1", "items"); $itemsrow2 = mysql_fetch_array($itemsquery2); $page = "If you are buying the ".$itemsrow["name"].", then I will buy your ".$itemsrow2["name"]." for ".ceil($itemsrow2["buycost"]/2)." gold. Is that ok?

"; } else { $page = "You are buying the ".$itemsrow["name"].", is that ok?

"; } } elseif ($itemsrow["type"] == 2) { if ($userrow["armorid"] != 0) { $itemsquery2 = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='".$userrow["armorid"]."' LIMIT 1", "items"); $itemsrow2 = mysql_fetch_array($itemsquery2); $page = "If you are buying the ".$itemsrow["name"].", then I will buy your ".$itemsrow2["name"]." for ".ceil($itemsrow2["buycost"]/2)." gold. Is that ok?

"; } else { $page = "You are buying the ".$itemsrow["name"].", is that ok?

"; } } elseif ($itemsrow["type"] == 3) { if ($userrow["shieldid"] != 0) { $itemsquery2 = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='".$userrow["shieldid"]."' LIMIT 1", "items"); $itemsrow2 = mysql_fetch_array($itemsquery2); $page = "If you are buying the ".$itemsrow["name"].", then I will buy your ".$itemsrow2["name"]." for ".ceil($itemsrow2["buycost"]/2)." gold. Is that ok?

"; } else { $page = "You are buying the ".$itemsrow["name"].", is that ok?

"; } } $title = "Buy Items"; display($page, $title); } function buy3($id) { // Update user profile with new item & stats. if (isset($_POST["cancel"])) { header("Location: index.php"); die(); } global $userrow; $itemsquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1", "items"); $itemsrow = mysql_fetch_array($itemsquery); if ($userrow["gold"] < $itemsrow["buycost"]) { display("You do not have enough gold to buy this item.

You may return to town, store, or use the direction buttons on the left to start exploring.", "Buy Items"); die(); } if ($itemsrow["type"] == 1) { // weapon // Check if they already have an item in the slot. if ($userrow["weaponid"] != 0) { $itemsquery2 = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='".$userrow["weaponid"]."' LIMIT 1", "items"); $itemsrow2 = mysql_fetch_array($itemsquery2); } else { $itemsrow2 = array("attribute"=>0,"buycost"=>0,"special"=>"X"); } // Special item fields. $specialchange1 = ""; $specialchange2 = ""; if ($itemsrow["special"] != "X") { $special = explode(",",$itemsrow["special"]); $tochange = $special[0]; $userrow[$tochange] = $userrow[$tochange] + $special[1]; $specialchange1 = "$tochange='".$userrow[$tochange]."',"; if ($tochange == "strength") { $userrow["attackpower"] += $special[1]; } if ($tochange == "dexterity") { $userrow["defensepower"] += $special[1]; } } if ($itemsrow2["special"] != "X") { $special2 = explode(",",$itemsrow2["special"]); $tochange2 = $special2[0]; $userrow[$tochange2] = $userrow[$tochange2] - $special2[1]; $specialchange2 = "$tochange2='".$userrow[$tochange2]."',"; if ($tochange2 == "strength") { $userrow["attackpower"] -= $special2[1]; } if ($tochange2 == "dexterity") { $userrow["defensepower"] -= $special2[1]; } } // New stats. $newgold = $userrow["gold"] + ceil($itemsrow2["buycost"]/2) - $itemsrow["buycost"]; $newattack = $userrow["attackpower"] + $itemsrow["attribute"] - $itemsrow2["attribute"]; $newid = $itemsrow["id"]; $newname = $itemsrow["name"]; $userid = $userrow["id"]; if ($userrow["currenthp"] > $userrow["maxhp"]) { $newhp = $userrow["maxhp"]; } else { $newhp = $userrow["currenthp"]; } if ($userrow["currentmp"] > $userrow["maxmp"]) { $newmp = $userrow["maxmp"]; } else { $newmp = $userrow["currentmp"]; } if ($userrow["currenttp"] > $userrow["maxtp"]) { $newtp = $userrow["maxtp"]; } else { $newtp = $userrow["currenttp"]; } // Final update. $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET $specialchange1 $specialchange2 gold='$newgold', attackpower='$newattack', weaponid='$newid', weaponname='$newname', currenthp='$newhp', currentmp='$newmp', currenttp='$newtp' WHERE id='$userid' LIMIT 1", "users"); } elseif ($itemsrow["type"] == 2) { // Armor // Check if they already have an item in the slot. if ($userrow["armorid"] != 0) { $itemsquery2 = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='".$userrow["armorid"]."' LIMIT 1", "items"); $itemsrow2 = mysql_fetch_array($itemsquery2); } else { $itemsrow2 = array("attribute"=>0,"buycost"=>0,"special"=>"X"); } // Special item fields. $specialchange1 = ""; $specialchange2 = ""; if ($itemsrow["special"] != "X") { $special = explode(",",$itemsrow["special"]); $tochange = $special[0]; $userrow[$tochange] = $userrow[$tochange] + $special[1]; $specialchange1 = "$tochange='".$userrow[$tochange]."',"; if ($tochange == "strength") { $userrow["attackpower"] += $special[1]; } if ($tochange == "dexterity") { $userrow["defensepower"] += $special[1]; } } if ($itemsrow2["special"] != "X") { $special2 = explode(",",$itemsrow2["special"]); $tochange2 = $special2[0]; $userrow[$tochange2] = $userrow[$tochange2] - $special2[1]; $specialchange2 = "$tochange2='".$userrow[$tochange2]."',"; if ($tochange2 == "strength") { $userrow["attackpower"] -= $special2[1]; } if ($tochange2 == "dexterity") { $userrow["defensepower"] -= $special2[1]; } } // New stats. $newgold = $userrow["gold"] + ceil($itemsrow2["buycost"]/2) - $itemsrow["buycost"]; $newdefense = $userrow["defensepower"] + $itemsrow["attribute"] - $itemsrow2["attribute"]; $newid = $itemsrow["id"]; $newname = $itemsrow["name"]; $userid = $userrow["id"]; if ($userrow["currenthp"] > $userrow["maxhp"]) { $newhp = $userrow["maxhp"]; } else { $newhp = $userrow["currenthp"]; } if ($userrow["currentmp"] > $userrow["maxmp"]) { $newmp = $userrow["maxmp"]; } else { $newmp = $userrow["currentmp"]; } if ($userrow["currenttp"] > $userrow["maxtp"]) { $newtp = $userrow["maxtp"]; } else { $newtp = $userrow["currenttp"]; } // Final update. $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET $specialchange1 $specialchange2 gold='$newgold', defensepower='$newdefense', armorid='$newid', armorname='$newname', currenthp='$newhp', currentmp='$newmp', currenttp='$newtp' WHERE id='$userid' LIMIT 1", "users"); } elseif ($itemsrow["type"] == 3) { // Shield // Check if they already have an item in the slot. if ($userrow["shieldid"] != 0) { $itemsquery2 = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='".$userrow["shieldid"]."' LIMIT 1", "items"); $itemsrow2 = mysql_fetch_array($itemsquery2); } else { $itemsrow2 = array("attribute"=>0,"buycost"=>0,"special"=>"X"); } // Special item fields. $specialchange1 = ""; $specialchange2 = ""; if ($itemsrow["special"] != "X") { $special = explode(",",$itemsrow["special"]); $tochange = $special[0]; $userrow[$tochange] = $userrow[$tochange] + $special[1]; $specialchange1 = "$tochange='".$userrow[$tochange]."',"; if ($tochange == "strength") { $userrow["attackpower"] += $special[1]; } if ($tochange == "dexterity") { $userrow["defensepower"] += $special[1]; } } if ($itemsrow2["special"] != "X") { $special2 = explode(",",$itemsrow2["special"]); $tochange2 = $special2[0]; $userrow[$tochange2] = $userrow[$tochange2] - $special2[1]; $specialchange2 = "$tochange2='".$userrow[$tochange2]."',"; if ($tochange2 == "strength") { $userrow["attackpower"] -= $special2[1]; } if ($tochange2 == "dexterity") { $userrow["defensepower"] -= $special2[1]; } } // New stats. $newgold = $userrow["gold"] + ceil($itemsrow2["buycost"]/2) - $itemsrow["buycost"]; $newdefense = $userrow["defensepower"] + $itemsrow["attribute"] - $itemsrow2["attribute"]; $newid = $itemsrow["id"]; $newname = $itemsrow["name"]; $userid = $userrow["id"]; if ($userrow["currenthp"] > $userrow["maxhp"]) { $newhp = $userrow["maxhp"]; } else { $newhp = $userrow["currenthp"]; } if ($userrow["currentmp"] > $userrow["maxmp"]) { $newmp = $userrow["maxmp"]; } else { $newmp = $userrow["currentmp"]; } if ($userrow["currenttp"] > $userrow["maxtp"]) { $newtp = $userrow["maxtp"]; } else { $newtp = $userrow["currenttp"]; } // Final update. $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET $specialchange1 $specialchange2 gold='$newgold', defensepower='$newdefense', shieldid='$newid', shieldname='$newname', currenthp='$newhp', currentmp='$newmp', currenttp='$newtp' WHERE id='$userid' LIMIT 1", "users"); } display("Thank you for purchasing this item.

You may return to town, store, or use the direction buttons on the left to start exploring.", "Buy Items"); } function maps() { // List maps the user can buy. global $userrow, $numqueries; $mappedtowns = explode(",",$userrow["towns"]); $page = "Buying maps will put the town in your Travel To box, and it won't cost you as many TP to get there.

\n"; $page .= "Click a town name to purchase its map.

\n"; $page .= "\n"; $townquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} ORDER BY id", "towns"); while ($townrow = mysql_fetch_array($townquery)) { if ($townrow["latitude"] >= 0) { $latitude = $townrow["latitude"] . "N,"; } else { $latitude = ($townrow["latitude"]*-1) . "S,"; } if ($townrow["longitude"] >= 0) { $longitude = $townrow["longitude"] . "E"; } else { $longitude = ($townrow["longitude"]*-1) . "W"; } $mapped = false; foreach($mappedtowns as $a => $b) { if ($b == $townrow["id"]) { $mapped = true; } } if ($mapped == false) { $page .= "\n"; } else { $page .= "\n"; } } $page .= "
".$townrow["name"]."Price: ".$townrow["mapprice"]." goldBuy map to reveal details.
".$townrow["name"]."Already mapped.Location: $latitude $longitudeTP: ".$townrow["travelpoints"]."

\n"; $page .= "If you've changed your mind, you may also return back to town.\n"; display($page, "Buy Maps"); } function maps2($id) { // Confirm user's intent to purchase map. global $userrow, $numqueries; $townquery = doquery("SELECT name,mapprice FROM {{table}} WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1", "towns"); $townrow = mysql_fetch_array($townquery); if ($userrow["gold"] < $townrow["mapprice"]) { display("You do not have enough gold to buy this map.

You may return to town, store, or use the direction buttons on the left to start exploring.", "Buy Maps"); die(); } $page = "You are buying the ".$townrow["name"]." map. Is that ok?

"; display($page, "Buy Maps"); } function maps3($id) { // Add new map to user's profile. if (isset($_POST["cancel"])) { header("Location: index.php"); die(); } global $userrow, $numqueries; $townquery = doquery("SELECT name,mapprice FROM {{table}} WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1", "towns"); $townrow = mysql_fetch_array($townquery); if ($userrow["gold"] < $townrow["mapprice"]) { display("You do not have enough gold to buy this map.

You may return to town, store, or use the direction buttons on the left to start exploring.", "Buy Maps"); die(); } $mappedtowns = $userrow["towns"].",$id"; $newgold = $userrow["gold"] - $townrow["mapprice"]; $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET towns='$mappedtowns',gold='$newgold' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); display("Thank you for purchasing this map.

You may return to town, store, or use the direction buttons on the left to start exploring.", "Buy Maps"); } function travelto($id, $usepoints=true) { // Send a user to a town from the Travel To menu. global $userrow, $numqueries; $townquery = doquery("SELECT name,travelpoints,latitude,longitude FROM {{table}} WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1", "towns"); $townrow = mysql_fetch_array($townquery); if ($usepoints==true) { if ($userrow["currenttp"] < $townrow["travelpoints"]) { display("You do not have enough TP to travel here. Please go back and try again when you get more TP.", "Travel To"); die(); } } if (($userrow["latitude"] == $townrow["latitude"]) && ($userrow["longitude"] == $townrow["longitude"])) { display("You are already in this town. Click here to return to the main town screen.", "Travel To"); die(); } if ($usepoints == true) { $newtp = $userrow["currenttp"] - $townrow["travelpoints"]; } else { $newtp = $userrow["currenttp"]; } $newlat = $townrow["latitude"]; $newlon = $townrow["longitude"]; $newid = $userrow["id"]; // If they got here by exploring, add this town to their map. $mapped = explode(",",$userrow["towns"]); $town = false; foreach($mapped as $a => $b) { if ($b == $id) { $town = true; } } $mapped = implode(",",$mapped); if ($town == false) { $mapped .= ",$id"; $mapped = "towns='".$mapped."',"; } else { $mapped = "towns='".$mapped."',"; } $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET currentaction='In Town',$mapped currenttp='$newtp',latitude='$newlat',longitude='$newlon' WHERE id='$newid' LIMIT 1", "users"); $page = "You have travelled to ".$townrow["name"].". You may now enter this town."; display($page, "Travel To"); } ?>