## Database This folder serves as the home for the game's database; `dragon.db` by default. This is a WAL- and foreign key-enabled SQLite database wrapped in a very thin class based on the PDO wrapper in PHP. In production, the `dragon.db` file will be created if it doesn't exist, and the installer should be used to populate the database. This file does not exist in the repo. ### Packs New to Dragon Knight is the ability to upload "data packs" to the game! Using this feature, it is possible to upload `.zip` files that contain `.csv` files (spreadsheets) of data for the game. These spreadsheets must have a 1:1 structure to what's expected in Dragon Knight. This allows an admin to populate the game data quickly and easily with data they either make or get from someone else. The `Default` data pack is the default data used when doing a **Complete** install of Dragon Knight. You can edit this before running the installer to change the default data. You can also use it as a template for your own data packs! #### Installing @TODO ### Installation When performing a **Complete** install, the installer will look for and use the `Default` data pack if it exists. If not, the installer will error. When performing a **Partial** install, the installer itself will insert the bare minimum data needed (at the moment this is a single class, "Adventurer") to create a user account, and data can be added in the admin panel afterwards.