if ($userrow["currentmonsterhp"] <= 0) {
$updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET currentmonsterhp='0' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users");
header("Location: index.php?do=victory");
// Monster's turn.
$pagearray["monsterturn"] = "";
if ($userrow["currentmonstersleep"] != 0) { // Check to wake up.
$chancetowake = rand(1,15);
if ($chancetowake > $userrow["currentmonstersleep"]) {
$userrow["currentmonstersleep"] = 0;
$pagearray["monsterturn"] .= "The monster has woken up. ";
} else {
$pagearray["monsterturn"] .= "The monster is still asleep. ";
if ($userrow["currentmonstersleep"] == 0) { // Only do this if the monster is awake.
$tohit = ceil(rand($monsterrow["maxdam"]*.5,$monsterrow["maxdam"]));
$toblock = ceil(rand($userrow["defensepower"]*.75,$userrow["defensepower"])/4);
$tododge = rand(1,150);
if ($tododge <= sqrt($userrow["dexterity"])) {
$tohit = 0; $pagearray["monsterturn"] .= "You dodge the monster's attack. No damage has been scored. ";
$persondamage = 0;
} else {
$persondamage = $tohit - $toblock;
if ($persondamage < 1) { $persondamage = 1; }
if ($userrow["currentuberdefense"] != 0) {
$persondamage -= ceil($persondamage * ($userrow["currentuberdefense"]/100));
if ($persondamage < 1) { $persondamage = 1; }
$pagearray["monsterturn"] .= "The monster attacks you for $persondamage damage.
$userrow["currenthp"] -= $persondamage;
if ($userrow["currenthp"] <= 0) {
$newgold = ceil($userrow["gold"]/2);
$newhp = ceil($userrow["maxhp"]/4);
$updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET currenthp='$newhp',currentaction='In Town',currentmonster='0',currentmonsterhp='0',currentmonstersleep='0',currentmonsterimmune='0',currentfight='0',latitude='0',longitude='0',gold='$newgold' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users");
$playerisdead = 1;
// Do spell stuff.
} elseif (isset($_POST["spell"])) {
// Your turn.
$pickedspell = $_POST["userspell"];
if ($pickedspell == 0) { display("You must select a spell first. Please go back and try again.", "Error"); die(); }
$newspellquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='$pickedspell' LIMIT 1", "spells");
$newspellrow = mysql_fetch_array($newspellquery);
$spell = false;
foreach($userspells as $a => $b) {
if ($b == $pickedspell) { $spell = true; }
if ($spell != true) { display("You have not yet learned this spell. Please go back and try again.", "Error"); die(); }
if ($userrow["currentmp"] < $newspellrow["mp"]) { display("You do not have enough Magic Points to cast this spell. Please go back and try again.", "Error"); die(); }
if ($newspellrow["type"] == 1) { // Heal spell.
$newhp = $userrow["currenthp"] + $newspellrow["attribute"];
if ($userrow["maxhp"] < $newhp) { $newspellrow["attribute"] = $userrow["maxhp"] - $userrow["currenthp"]; $newhp = $userrow["currenthp"] + $newspellrow["attribute"]; }
$userrow["currenthp"] = $newhp;
$userrow["currentmp"] -= $newspellrow["mp"];
$pagearray["yourturn"] = "You have cast the ".$newspellrow["name"]." spell, and gained ".$newspellrow["attribute"]." Hit Points.
} elseif ($newspellrow["type"] == 2) { // Hurt spell.
if ($userrow["currentmonsterimmune"] == 0) {
$monsterdamage = rand((($newspellrow["attribute"]/6)*5), $newspellrow["attribute"]);
$userrow["currentmonsterhp"] -= $monsterdamage;
$pagearray["yourturn"] = "You have cast the ".$newspellrow["name"]." spell for $monsterdamage damage.
} else {
$pagearray["yourturn"] = "You have cast the ".$newspellrow["name"]." spell, but the monster is immune to it.
$userrow["currentmp"] -= $newspellrow["mp"];
} elseif ($newspellrow["type"] == 3) { // Sleep spell.
if ($userrow["currentmonsterimmune"] != 2) {
$userrow["currentmonstersleep"] = $newspellrow["attribute"];
$pagearray["yourturn"] = "You have cast the ".$newspellrow["name"]." spell. The monster is asleep.
} else {
$pagearray["yourturn"] = "You have cast the ".$newspellrow["name"]." spell, but the monster is immune to it.
$userrow["currentmp"] -= $newspellrow["mp"];
} elseif ($newspellrow["type"] == 4) { // +Damage spell.
$userrow["currentuberdamage"] = $newspellrow["attribute"];
$userrow["currentmp"] -= $newspellrow["mp"];
$pagearray["yourturn"] = "You have cast the ".$newspellrow["name"]." spell, and will gain ".$newspellrow["attribute"]."% damage until the end of this fight.
} elseif ($newspellrow["type"] == 5) { // +Defense spell.
$userrow["currentuberdefense"] = $newspellrow["attribute"];
$userrow["currentmp"] -= $newspellrow["mp"];
$pagearray["yourturn"] = "You have cast the ".$newspellrow["name"]." spell, and will gain ".$newspellrow["attribute"]."% defense until the end of this fight.
if ($userrow["currentmonsterhp"] <= 0) {
$updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET currentmonsterhp='0',currenthp='".$userrow["currenthp"]."',currentmp='".$userrow["currentmp"]."' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users");
header("Location: index.php?do=victory");
// Monster's turn.
$pagearray["monsterturn"] = "";
if ($userrow["currentmonstersleep"] != 0) { // Check to wake up.
$chancetowake = rand(1,15);
if ($chancetowake > $userrow["currentmonstersleep"]) {
$userrow["currentmonstersleep"] = 0;
$pagearray["monsterturn"] .= "The monster has woken up. ";
} else {
$pagearray["monsterturn"] .= "The monster is still asleep. ";
if ($userrow["currentmonstersleep"] == 0) { // Only do this if the monster is awake.
$tohit = ceil(rand($monsterrow["maxdam"]*.5,$monsterrow["maxdam"]));
$toblock = ceil(rand($userrow["defensepower"]*.75,$userrow["defensepower"])/4);
$tododge = rand(1,150);
if ($tododge <= sqrt($userrow["dexterity"])) {
$tohit = 0; $pagearray["monsterturn"] .= "You dodge the monster's attack. No damage has been scored. ";
$persondamage = 0;
} else {
if ($tohit <= $toblock) { $tohit = $toblock + 1; }
$persondamage = $tohit - $toblock;
if ($userrow["currentuberdefense"] != 0) {
$persondamage -= ceil($persondamage * ($userrow["currentuberdefense"]/100));
if ($persondamage < 1) { $persondamage = 1; }
$pagearray["monsterturn"] .= "The monster attacks you for $persondamage damage.
$userrow["currenthp"] -= $persondamage;
if ($userrow["currenthp"] <= 0) {
$newgold = ceil($userrow["gold"]/2);
$newhp = ceil($userrow["maxhp"]/4);
$updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET currenthp='$newhp',currentaction='In Town',currentmonster='0',currentmonsterhp='0',currentmonstersleep='0',currentmonsterimmune='0',currentfight='0',latitude='0',longitude='0',gold='$newgold' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users");
$playerisdead = 1;
// Do a monster's turn if person lost the chance to swing first. Serves him right!
} elseif ( $chancetoswingfirst == 0 ) {
$pagearray["yourturn"] = "The monster attacks before you are ready!
As a consequence, you've lost half of your gold. However, you have been given back a portion of your hit points to continue your journey.
You may now continue back to town, and we hope you fair better next time.";
// Finalize page and display it.
$template = gettemplate("fight");
$page = parsetemplate($template,$pagearray);
display($page, "Fighting");
function victory() {
global $userrow, $controlrow;
if ($userrow["currentmonsterhp"] != 0) { header("Location: index.php?do=fight"); die(); }
if ($userrow["currentfight"] == 0) { header("Location: index.php"); die(); }
$monsterquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='".$userrow["currentmonster"]."' LIMIT 1", "monsters");
$monsterrow = mysql_fetch_array($monsterquery);
$exp = rand((($monsterrow["maxexp"]/6)*5),$monsterrow["maxexp"]);
if ($exp < 1) { $exp = 1; }
if ($userrow["expbonus"] != 0) { $exp += ceil(($userrow["expbonus"]/100)*$exp); }
$gold = rand((($monsterrow["maxgold"]/6)*5),$monsterrow["maxgold"]);
if ($gold < 1) { $gold = 1; }
if ($userrow["goldbonus"] != 0) { $gold += ceil(($userrow["goldbonus"]/100)*$exp); }
if ($userrow["experience"] + $exp < 16777215) { $newexp = $userrow["experience"] + $exp; $warnexp = ""; } else { $newexp = $userrow["experience"]; $exp = 0; $warnexp = "You have maxed out your experience points."; }
if ($userrow["gold"] + $gold < 16777215) { $newgold = $userrow["gold"] + $gold; $warngold = ""; } else { $newgold = $userrow["gold"]; $gold = 0; $warngold = "You have maxed out your experience points."; }
$levelquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='".($userrow["level"]+1)."' LIMIT 1", "levels");
if (mysql_num_rows($levelquery) == 1) { $levelrow = mysql_fetch_array($levelquery); }
if ($userrow["level"] < 100) {
if ($newexp >= $levelrow[$userrow["charclass"]."_exp"]) {
$newhp = $userrow["maxhp"] + $levelrow[$userrow["charclass"]."_hp"];
$newmp = $userrow["maxmp"] + $levelrow[$userrow["charclass"]."_mp"];
$newtp = $userrow["maxtp"] + $levelrow[$userrow["charclass"]."_tp"];
$newstrength = $userrow["strength"] + $levelrow[$userrow["charclass"]."_strength"];
$newdexterity = $userrow["dexterity"] + $levelrow[$userrow["charclass"]."_dexterity"];
$newattack = $userrow["attackpower"] + $levelrow[$userrow["charclass"]."_strength"];
$newdefense = $userrow["defensepower"] + $levelrow[$userrow["charclass"]."_dexterity"];
$newlevel = $levelrow["id"];
if ($levelrow[$userrow["charclass"]."_spells"] != 0) {
$userspells = $userrow["spells"] . ",".$levelrow[$userrow["charclass"]."_spells"];
$newspell = "spells='$userspells',";
$spelltext = "You have learned a new spell. ";
} else { $spelltext = ""; $newspell=""; }
$page = "Congratulations. You have defeated the ".$monsterrow["name"].". You gain $exp experience. $warnexp You gain $gold gold. $warngold
You have gained a level!
You gain ".$levelrow[$userrow["charclass"]."_hp"]." hit points. You gain ".$levelrow[$userrow["charclass"]."_mp"]." magic points. You gain ".$levelrow[$userrow["charclass"]."_tp"]." travel points. You gain ".$levelrow[$userrow["charclass"]."_strength"]." strength. You gain ".$levelrow[$userrow["charclass"]."_dexterity"]." dexterity. $spelltext You can now continue exploring.";
$title = "Courage and Wit have served thee well!";
$dropcode = "";
} else {
$newhp = $userrow["maxhp"];
$newmp = $userrow["maxmp"];
$newtp = $userrow["maxtp"];
$newstrength = $userrow["strength"];
$newdexterity = $userrow["dexterity"];
$newattack = $userrow["attackpower"];
$newdefense = $userrow["defensepower"];
$newlevel = $userrow["level"];
$newspell = "";
$page = "Congratulations. You have defeated the ".$monsterrow["name"].". You gain $exp experience. $warnexp You gain $gold gold. $warngold
if (rand(1,30) == 1) {
$dropquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE mlevel <= '".$monsterrow["level"]."' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1", "drops");
$droprow = mysql_fetch_array($dropquery);
$dropcode = "dropcode='".$droprow["id"]."',";
$page .= "This monster has dropped an item. Click here to reveal and equip the item, or you may also move on and continue exploring.";
} else {
$dropcode = "";
$page .= "You can now continue exploring.";
$title = "Victory!";
$updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET currentaction='Exploring',level='$newlevel',maxhp='$newhp',maxmp='$newmp',maxtp='$newtp',strength='$newstrength',dexterity='$newdexterity',attackpower='$newattack',defensepower='$newdefense', $newspell currentfight='0',currentmonster='0',currentmonsterhp='0',currentmonstersleep='0',currentmonsterimmune='0',currentuberdamage='0',currentuberdefense='0',$dropcode experience='$newexp',gold='$newgold' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users");
display($page, $title);
function drop() {
global $userrow;
if ($userrow["dropcode"] == 0) { header("Location: index.php"); die(); }
$dropquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='".$userrow["dropcode"]."' LIMIT 1", "drops");
$droprow = mysql_fetch_array($dropquery);
if (isset($_POST["submit"])) {
$slot = $_POST["slot"];
if ($slot == 0) { display("Please go back and select an inventory slot to continue.","Error"); }
if ($userrow["slot".$slot."id"] != 0) {
$slotquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='".$userrow["slot".$slot."id"]."' LIMIT 1", "drops");
$slotrow = mysql_fetch_array($slotquery);
$old1 = explode(",",$slotrow["attribute1"]);
if ($slotrow["attribute2"] != "X") { $old2 = explode(",",$slotrow["attribute2"]); } else { $old2 = array(0=>"maxhp",1=>0); }
$new1 = explode(",",$droprow["attribute1"]);
if ($droprow["attribute2"] != "X") { $new2 = explode(",",$droprow["attribute2"]); } else { $new2 = array(0=>"maxhp",1=>0); }
$userrow[$old1[0]] -= $old1[1];
$userrow[$old2[0]] -= $old2[1];
if ($old1[0] == "strength") { $userrow["attackpower"] -= $old1[1]; }
if ($old1[0] == "dexterity") { $userrow["defensepower"] -= $old1[1]; }
if ($old2[0] == "strength") { $userrow["attackpower"] -= $old2[1]; }
if ($old2[0] == "dexterity") { $userrow["defensepower"] -= $old2[1]; }
$userrow[$new1[0]] += $new1[1];
$userrow[$new2[0]] += $new2[1];
if ($new1[0] == "strength") { $userrow["attackpower"] += $new1[1]; }
if ($new1[0] == "dexterity") { $userrow["defensepower"] += $new1[1]; }
if ($new2[0] == "strength") { $userrow["attackpower"] += $new2[1]; }
if ($new2[0] == "dexterity") { $userrow["defensepower"] += $new2[1]; }
if ($userrow["currenthp"] > $userrow["maxhp"]) { $userrow["currenthp"] = $userrow["maxhp"]; }
if ($userrow["currentmp"] > $userrow["maxmp"]) { $userrow["currentmp"] = $userrow["maxmp"]; }
if ($userrow["currenttp"] > $userrow["maxtp"]) { $userrow["currenttp"] = $userrow["maxtp"]; }
$newname = addslashes($droprow["name"]);
$query = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET slot".$_POST["slot"]."name='$newname',slot".$_POST["slot"]."id='".$droprow["id"]."',$old1[0]='".$userrow[$old1[0]]."',$old2[0]='".$userrow[$old2[0]]."',$new1[0]='".$userrow[$new1[0]]."',$new2[0]='".$userrow[$new2[0]]."',attackpower='".$userrow["attackpower"]."',defensepower='".$userrow["defensepower"]."',currenthp='".$userrow["currenthp"]."',currentmp='".$userrow["currentmp"]."',currenttp='".$userrow["currenttp"]."',dropcode='0' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users");
} else {
$new1 = explode(",",$droprow["attribute1"]);
if ($droprow["attribute2"] != "X") { $new2 = explode(",",$droprow["attribute2"]); } else { $new2 = array(0=>"maxhp",1=>0); }
$userrow[$new1[0]] += $new1[1];
$userrow[$new2[0]] += $new2[1];
if ($new1[0] == "strength") { $userrow["attackpower"] += $new1[1]; }
if ($new1[0] == "dexterity") { $userrow["defensepower"] += $new1[1]; }
if ($new2[0] == "strength") { $userrow["attackpower"] += $new2[1]; }
if ($new2[0] == "dexterity") { $userrow["defensepower"] += $new2[1]; }
$newname = addslashes($droprow["name"]);
$query = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET slot".$_POST["slot"]."name='$newname',slot".$_POST["slot"]."id='".$droprow["id"]."',$new1[0]='".$userrow[$new1[0]]."',$new2[0]='".$userrow[$new2[0]]."',attackpower='".$userrow["attackpower"]."',defensepower='".$userrow["defensepower"]."',dropcode='0' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users");
$page = "The item has been equipped. You can now continue exploring.";
display($page, "Item Drop");
$attributearray = array("maxhp"=>"Max HP",
"maxmp"=>"Max MP",
"maxtp"=>"Max TP",
"defensepower"=>"Defense Power",
"attackpower"=>"Attack Power",
"expbonus"=>"Experience Bonus",
"goldbonus"=>"Gold Bonus");
$page = "The monster dropped the following item: ".$droprow["name"]."
$page .= "This item has the following attribute(s): ";
$attribute1 = explode(",",$droprow["attribute1"]);
$page .= $attributearray[$attribute1[0]];
if ($attribute1[1] > 0) { $page .= " +" . $attribute1[1] . " "; } else { $page .= $attribute1[1] . " "; }
if ($droprow["attribute2"] != "X") {
$attribute2 = explode(",",$droprow["attribute2"]);
$page .= $attributearray[$attribute2[0]];
if ($attribute2[1] > 0) { $page .= " +" . $attribute2[1] . " "; } else { $page .= $attribute2[1] . " "; }
$page .= " Select an inventory slot from the list below to equip this item. If the inventory slot is already full, the old item will be discarded.";
$page .= "";
$page .= "You may also choose to just continue exploring and give up this item.";
display($page, "Item Drop");
function dead() {
$page = "You have died.
As a consequence, you've lost half of your gold. However, you have been given back a portion of your hit points to continue your journey.
You may now continue back to town, and we hope you fair better next time.";