Special codes can be added in the item's Special field to give it extra user attributes. Special codes are in the format attribute,value. Attribute can be any database field from the Users table - however, it is suggested that you only use the ones from the list below, otherwise things can get freaky. Value may be any positive or negative whole number. For example, if you want a weapon to give an additional 50 max hit points, the special code would be maxhp,50.
Suggested user fields for special codes:
maxhp - max hit points
maxmp - max magic points
maxtp - max travel points
goldbonus - gold bonus, in percent
expbonus - experience bonus, in percent
strength - strength (which also adds to attackpower)
dexterity - dexterity (which also adds to defensepower)
attackpower - total attack power
defensepower - total defense power