'; }); // Accept only numbers as the second parameter. Other characters will result in a 404 Route::add('/foo/([0-9]*)/bar',function($var1){ // Do something echo $var1.' is a great number!'; }); // Long route example Route::add('/foo/bar/foo/bar',function(){ // Do something echo 'hehe :-)
'; }); // Crazy route with parameters (Will be triggered on the route pattern above too because it matches too) Route::add('/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)',function($var1,$var2,$var3,$var4){ // Do something echo 'You have entered: '.$var1.' / '.$var2.' / '.$var3.' / '.$var4.'
'; }); // Add a 404 not found route Route::add404(function($url){ // Send 404 Header header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); echo '404 :-(
'; echo $url.' not found!'; }); // Check if any of the defined routes will match and execute them Route::run(); ?>